This post is LONGGGGG overdue!!
I just finished feeding our little boy and was really glad to see him finishing his dinner, although he didn't have too much rice. As compared to a few weeks ago when he turned into a fruitarian and refused to eat proper meal most of time, he's making good progress these few days in my eyes.
Too much things had happened in the past few months. I don't even know where to start, but I have to hurriedly complete this post so that I can shower Renzo and coax him to sleep. Well talking about coaxing him to sleep, in fact he can sleep on his own almost everyday after his night feed at about 930pm, usually he plays in his cot with us and after we turn off the light, he then plays on our bed with his favorite (and only) blanket, and in no time, this little one is in lalaland... He still wakes up a few times during wee hours, on certain good days, maybe once only. And finally we figured out the reason behind his nightly wakeups... he's just hungry at night, because there was one night he shouted "biscuit" when he woke up in the middle of the night!

For the very first time in the past 15 months, Renzo fell sick badly. He had a bit of cold cough with phlegm and running nose, but that's not too serious and with the huge amount of water intake everyday, he got himself cured eventually. But at the same we discovered that he has got a serious food allergy and we believe the culprit must be mango. Because we fed him some mango when we were having dinner outside one evening and the next day, he started developing rashes all over his body. I have a history of mango allergy and I am not surprised that he inherited that from me, so we came to a conclusion - NO MORE MANGO for baby Renzo!!
I thought Renzo is pretty slow in his motor skill development, at almost 15 months, he still could not walk unsupported or feed himself. But I am not that worried, I believe it is just a matter of time and I am thrilled to see that he's picking up fast in terms of his linguistic skills. We will touch more on that on a future post on his
linguistic capability.
At the same time, he has developed his own character, like an ox, really stubborn. And when he starts to throw tantrums because we are not giving in to his unreasonable requests, we have to play time out and leave him at his "naughty corner" (面壁思过), obviously he couldn't understand that at this age, and we often end up with a little boy playing quietly in his high chair after a few seconds of screaming, acting as if nothing had happened..

So I've decided to work on 2 things immediately from today:
1. Start potty training Renzo. He started to pee and poo in his potty since he was about 6 months+, but till now he still cannot express himself when he needs to past urine or past motion. I don't really know where to start but I remember seeing some books on this and if it can play the trick, i don't mind investing on it.
2. Look for a good childcare center for Renzo. I am torn between full day childcare and 3.5 hours playgroup at the moment. Knowing that Ayeaye might not continue with us after Oct next year, probably we have to strike off playgroups from our list. And I have to say it's extremely difficult to "shop" for a good preschool for kids nowadays.
After observing Renzo for this long, I start to feel that cultivating him to become a good tempered (keeping my finger crossed that he got that gene from his daddy) and well behaved person is the top priority, I certainly do not wish to have a rowdy child even if he is strong with his academic records....