So 13th June it was, and if you have been following our posts religiously, you would have known that the last few visits weren't as interesting as the first few... and yes, this one was no different. Wake up, bus ride, long stroll, wait in queue and finally the consultation.

Though Dr Lim seems to always be in a good mode, the louder and sharper whistling seems to signal that he was more cheerful than usual. After his simple ultrasound scanning, he proceeded to give us a lesson on the symptons of labour, stating that there are 3 kinds.
(Again I must emphasize, this is from our experiences, please consult your doctor for clarifications and details)
- Bleeding: if bleeding occurs (he refered to as 'Bloody Mucus' -__-' ) ... it is a sign, but we were to wait and not to immediately rush to the hospital... We were suppose to wait until... the next sympton shows... which is:
- Pain: the pain he was refering to was regular (every 15-20 min) of pain, inclusive of cramps, backaches and the urge to pass motion (eh?... why is that classified as pain? heh..)... in any case... GO~!
- Water leaks: well... if you watch drama and shows enough, you'll know what this is... it means the waterbag burst! the liquid may be clear like tap water, or slight greenish (from the baby's excretory waste)... this too, is a "GO~!" signal.
So after his short 5 minute lecture, we made our next appointment (next 3 actually... haha...kiasu singaporean..=P ) and was on our way to City Hall to do some baby shopping.
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