For those of you following this blog, you would have come to know that Felicia has started to turn to
online shopping to satisfy her shopping craves (lol... just joking, but she is beginning to appreciate the joy and convenience of
online shopping...). This blog post is dedicated to the shiny new toys (on top of the eon supply of baby clothes that were also bought online by you-guess-who) that Renzo has now, though he hasn't shown interest in ALL of his toys yet, some does keep his little baby eyes trailing as we play with him. So without further ado, let's introduce the them to you blog readers~
1) Parklon Bumper Playmat (Winnie the Pooh Flower Hill)

This is a wonderful double sided mat that measures an astounding 125cm x 185cm x 1.2cm (slightly bigger than a single bed). It is comfy and the strong colours attracts attention of baby Renzo. According to forumers from Feli's research, many babies learn to flip over onto their bellies just so that they can see Winnie and his friends and will try to grab them with their little hands...
P.S. All the spelling on the mat is correct except for the word 'HUNNY' on his honeypot that this Pooh Bear has yet to correct since his debut appearance in 1926... 83 years ago... -__-'
2) Old MacDonald's Farm - A Counting Book (Pop Up Book)

This is a simple cloth book with lots of folding and movable parts to encourage babies and toddlers to learn to count by lifting the flaps and exploring . Renzo hasn't really found his liking for this book yet but considering Renzo hasn't really reached the age to appreciate this book yet, I guess we might have to shelf this till later...
3) Hand Puppet Book (x4)

My personal fave~! Educational books doubled as hand puppets. Though out of the 4 farm animals that comes in this package, only the yellow duckling is normal. We have a pig with a blue nose, a purple cow and a rocker horse with bangs that belong to Heavy Metal junkies. But the discrepancies aside, these hand puppet books are great of Renzo as we can interact with him while reading to him.
4) My First Mother Goose Rhymes Cloth Book

This I haven't really picked up this book yet as I've been preoccupied with those above.. LoL~ But by looks of it, this book ain't as interesting as those above. Its interactivity is limited to a bell that rings when you shake the book. Consisting of basic nusery rhymes like Humpty Dumpty and Hickory Dickory Dock, this book should be more useful later on.
5) Baby Swimming Pool

Second biggest purchase of the bulk (First being the Parklon Playmat), this
baby swimming pool that we bought off the blogsite of the sole distributor in Singapore was one that was highly recommended on numerous sources such as MotherCare Magazine. So on the fateful day when we received it, we were eager to fill it up to let Renzo have a feel of swimming, all in the comforts of home, but due to my work schedule, we had to push back the idea a few day. And when we finally did, we realised that the preparation was no joke. Almost 20 minutes of running water + a potful of boiling water (just to keep the temperature comfy, just like bath time water temp). Carefully, I climbed into the pool and settled in to receive Renzo from inside the pool but guess what, as soon as Renzo's little butt touches the water... He started crying and screaming his lungs off. Guess swimming ain't his forte... that or he might be claustrophobic.
So the total damage done to Renzo funds for the above purchases?
Approx S$330... and to think he is just 3½ months now... many many many years more of toy shopping to go~
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