So we often hear him saying:
"The biscuit drop on the floor, BUT, cannot eat ALREADY.."
"LATER cannot do this, THEN HOW??"
"You see, it is on my BACKSIDE!"
"It is YOUR TURN mummy!!"
"It is TOO FAR AWAY!!"
"YAH, YAH, YAH..."
"Can not HUH??"
And the word, or I should say phrase he uses most often, is "BE LIKE THAT".. Honestly we have no idea about where he learned it from, but, he's using that almost every minute!!
"Mummy you see, the truck can carry the bus BE LIKE THAT!!"
"The piegon fly into the sky BE LIKE THAT!!"
"Daddy, you don't beat me okay?" - That's when Daddy was angry while he misbehaved..
"Daddy, you don't BE LIKE THAT me okie?" - That's when Daddy was staring at him and couldn't decide what to do with him next..
"I like you my Rynus didi, do you like me?"
No answer from Rynus (we wish he could answer though, LOL), and Renzo continued:
"Why you don't like me? Why you BE LIKE THAT??"
At the same time, our little boy has never failed to impress us with his creative and imaginative mind.

And at the MRT station, while standing in front of those fencing doors on the platform, suddenly he said "Mummy you see, that is minus and equals.."
Let's just see what other phrases will he start amazing us with in the up coming months... =)
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