These were the exact words (in this post's title) Renzo told me on one of the evenings while we were having casual talk about his day in school. You can imagine how shocked and in a way, disappointed I felt while hearing this from him.
So I asked him, why? There was no answer given.
I roughly figured out that it must be due to his "not up to expectation" behavior in school. So after commenting on his communication book, I rang the school and talked to his form teacher "王老师" for a good 15 minutes over the phone. And there are basically 2 concerns raised by his 王老师.
1. Renzo is not eating well in school, basically he rejects all kinds of vegetables, and he prefers rice over noodles. Actually since last June, he started to be very picky on food and refuse to eat vegetables most of the time. We tried all sorts of methods but the only solution I have so far, is to make dumplings and mix the vegetables with meat together so he could eat without making a fuss.
2. Renzo is not concentrating in class. 王老师 said he's always in his own world while having either Chinese or English lessons. We have no idea why, and in fact last year his form teacher, Teacher Helen even commented that he is the most focused kid in class. I am not sure if it is because he doesn't understand the Chinese lessons well, and has mastered everything taught in English lessons, that's why he chose not to pay attention. But then come to think of it, recently he's been spending quite a lot of time in front of TV, yes he's obsessed with Dora, maybe that affects his attention span?

Anyway being a very (well not very actually) kiasu and kancheong mummy, I reached home after work with a Popular bag, full of new books on good behavior stories, just to realize that my dearest husband brought back a Popular bag too, haha with lots of paints and brushes, Renzo boy was sitting at the corridor with daddy, working together on coloring balloons drawn by Win on a huge workbook. Well daddy did a brilliant job keeping Renzo away from TV for the whole night!!
I texted my mother-in-law after talking to 王老师, and asked her help to discipline Renzo during dinner, guess what? She's straight away on it and even brought Renzo to eat with them at the dining table. Look at the small stool on the chair, what an invention!!
I read 王老师's comments on the communication book, and it seems that she's very concerned about me asking why she "scolded" Renzo for being naughty. I can tell that somehow teachers might feel "scared" and "stressed" when parents question them, even though we are just asking casually in a very positive tone. We better work together at home to correct Renzo's bad habits and not to trouble the teachers too often next time, haha...