When he met his cousin Cherry before his piano, Cherry said to him, "Renzo, it's time for your piano!", he responded with a big frown: "No!! You are a wrong way!! It's time for my piano..CLASS!!".
Hearing such a logical conversation from a little boy with a baby looking face, just makes me feel that our Renzo is so funny!
Sometimes, well in fact at all times, I've been seriously wondering what kind of things are being processed in his little brain.
When I was following my DVD workout at home, he dug out another piece of DVD from the same series and told me, "Mummy, I hold this for you, later, you must jog this and dance nicely okie?!"..
When I asked him who bullied him in school, he gave me an upset face and said: "Jiale, he PUuuuu (playing saliva) on Renzo! and, Renzo PUuuuu back at Jiale!". Of course I told him that's not the right thing to do and he should inform teacher instead..

He asked me what is 蜡烛 in English, I told him that's candle. So he asked, "What is BIG BIG CANDLE in Chinese?", I told him that he should know it. And he responded with a cheeky smile, "Is that 大大的,什么呀?", that reminds me about how exactly I used to replace the Chinese words I don't know how to read with the common word "什么什么", but that's when I was in primary school, and he's only a 3.5 years old toddler!!
Renzo has been bringing tons of laughter to us and especially after I came back from my business trip about 2 weeks ago, he has started to communicate with us with logical reasoning, and his usual sense of humor, that made him so much easier to handle nowadays!
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