He said: "If I go to school later, I am not going to do anything! If I stay at home, I will do anything!!!"
I seriously have no clue what's the logic behind his thought, but one thing he's very right about, is that up to now, at 3 years 8 months of age, he still doesn't seem to enjoy going to school, and in fact he's not behaving well there. He's not able to express his needs such as requesting permission to go to washroom, or asking for second helping during meal time. He is the only one in his class who is not fully toilet trained till now. Taking off the socks and shoes and put them on the shoe rack is the simplest task every kid does in the morning, he's still struggling with it (mentally not physically though). The feedback from his English speech & drama teacher clearly indicated that his participation in class is poor though he has no problem with his pronunciation and performance, at all..

Teaching him, at home, seems pretty easy for us so far, no scolding, no shouting, no disciplining and he just follows. I do feel bad when I hear about school teachers' concerns over Renzo, because there's simply nothing much I can do, as he doesn't seem to have those issues at home.
Here's a video of Renzo reading a book that Daddy has read to him for no more than 3 times a few months back. He grabbed it last night and started reading. I was in a shock that only till he flipped to page 2, I managed to take out my camera. I stopped videoing after he's done with page 2 but he continued till he finished page 4.
In any case, homeschooling is never possible since we both need to work, and of course we do trust our well-developed education system a lot more. We are just hoping that we could do more to help Renzo love going to school soon!
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