Imagine at that time, he could already count from 1 - 10, recognize most of the alphabets, speak in simple sentences and follow most of the instructions, such as, "go sit on the potty", but nope, he would never tell anybody that he needs to pass urine or pass motion, neither at home, nor in school.
We introduced this potty to him since he was, 4 month old?

Unfortunately, things didn't work out till he turned 3+, when teachers in school feedback that he's the only one in his class, who's still on diaper.
Unbelievable isn't it? For a kid who's able to read short stories, do basic additions, sing complicated lyrics and speak in full sentences with proper grammar, Renzo just refuses to express his needs to go to the toilet!

We were delighted with the result, but it never crossed my mind to give away that stash of diapers just yet, because he still needs them at night.
October 06, 2013, is probably a date other than our wedding anniversary, or Renzo's birthday, that we will never forget!! That night, Renzo insisted NOT to put on his diaper before we tucked him in bed.
Renzo said: "Mummy, I want to wear my underwear, I do not want to wear diaper. I will be very careful, I will control myself and not pass urine at night. You know, my pee pee is very funny, it will not come out at night, it will only come out in daytime!!!"

And.. he just did it!! I was a little nervous at first and checked on him a few times that night, and I was all prepared to bring him to the toilet at any time, but he didn't wake up till about 6am the next morning, he then rushed to toilet and passed urine on his own.. Since that night, he's been wearing his underwear and pajamas, with a waterproof sheet protecting his mattress, and he's formed a routine to use bathroom before he starts his day at about 640am every morning. Accidents happened for no more than 3 times in two months so hooray! I can finally pat myself on the back, now I won't need to think about diapers at all - at least, not for Renzo!
He bought himself a new Mickey Mouse book as a reward, using the money saved from diapers and boy, this is probably his biggest milestone achieved, that made us jump for joy!!