I always believe that kids will learn academic knowledge from school without the need of attending any enrichment classes, of course with regular coaching from parents. Other than that, they should go for another type of enrichment classes related to arts, like painting, dancing, piano, etc, or related to sports, such as swimming, taekwondo, soccer, etc, based on their own interest.
For Renzo's case, clearly, piano is not his interest as he's too young to tell us what he likes and what he wants to learn, he did mention a few times that piano is difficult but he never said he doesn't want to learn it. Unlike swimming, he's been telling us ever since he could talk (when he was about 2?), that he's scared of water and he doesn't want to learn swimming.
So, if you were to ask me, what is his true interest then?
Well he's more interested in academic stuff like reading (anything related to letters and words), maths (anything related to numbers), and science (I meant it, word like "carbon dioxide" is not something totally unheard of to him). And at the same time, he might not realize it yet but I do think he's pretty good at painting, or rather say coloring at this age.
The first time I noticed his "talent" in coloring, he was about 3 years old and he brought home a "mother's day present" for me - a basket of flowers he colored in school. His coloring work is neat and meticulous, and I especially love the choices of colors he used, I must say it's really great contrast and combination. He often mumbles "do not color out of the line" to himself, while he's busy with his artwork.
Then there's one day when I sent him to his childcare center in the morning, I noticed the coloring done by his class, his masterpiece was the first one hanging on the wall, and honestly I think he did a pretty good job.

One of his piano homework is always - coloring, and he seems to enjoy it very much as it's always the first thing he does after his class. And it's quite hilarious to notice he even added "toy cars" for his "spotted cat" to play, although he's supposed to color the given objects in the picture only. And it's through his piano homework, I found out that he knows how to use black colored pencil, apply with less strength, use minimum pencil pressure, to achieve the "light grey" shade he needs for his elephant!

And just this morning, I was amazed by his coloring done in school again! As you can see most kids did very well and some even used nicer colors or colored neater than him. But what made my jaw drop, was the colors he used for the "decorations" on the photo frame. The stars/moons on the left and right side of the photo frame, were colored in perfect symmetry. Whereas the colors he used for the circles at the top and the bottom of the photo frame, were in perfect inverse orders!!
So do I want to send him to learn drawing/coloring? Not at the moment!
I am pretty sure mummy and grandma has some sort of "talent" and "potential" to guide him along for the time being, though I do not think he needs much guidance, art is all about creativity!