Renzo refused to reveal any details about his concert despite me asking him numerous times at home. Every year, the preparation of their year end concert starts around July, and the kids spend time every day to learn and practice their dance moves. The concert is held around early December though for some reason this year it's in November, which is not a bad thing because we simply couldn't wait any further to see him performing on stage again.

Renzo told us that it is going to be an amazing surprise for all the daddies and mummies, and it's going to be the most exciting event of the year. So we arrived at the concert without any clue about what to expect, honestly, till that very moment, I wasn't even sure if my son is able to dance well. So yes, he has definitely surprised us, year after year. Pianica performance is added for K1 and K2 kids, hence this is the first year he's participating. I do believe it's rather easier for him since he's been learning piano for quite a while. As for his dance, I was totally blown away because I never know that he has any flair in dancing but just like what his teachers told me, his rhythm is really good. He might looked a bit zoned out, a bit slow motion, a bit short hands short legs but, he looked damn cool throughout without making any wrong moves at all.
For the fact that we do not own a powerful camera and we prefer not to rush to the front of the stage like many other parents often do, we didn't manage to capture any great quality pictures of videos, but we did enjoy the show to the max. And I just can't wait for the professional up close video/pictures from the school.
Last year, the theme of the concert was Retro and Renzo did a gorgeous "Hey Mickey" dance.
If you think that it's a big deal to put up a nice show at such tender young age, let me show you the dance he did in 2012 when he was only 3 years 4 months old.
It might sound a bit crazy to get a bunch of active 3 years old kids to put up a show on stage, but I strongly believe the opportunity and exposure given to have them enjoy some fun time on the stage, will encourage them o foster a more positive attitude and explore their own self-expression.
I couldn't imagine how touched I will feel during his next school concert as by then, he will be graduating from K2 and that will be the last time he has the chance to show case what he's learned in this wonderful childcare center. The best part is, it will be the first year that Rynus didi gets to participate in school concert also!!