Renzo loves to play with Aye Aye and he can babble and laugh out extremely loud when he is in good mood. But whenever he needs to burp, drink milk or sleep, he can cry equally loud also. And 9.5 out of 10 times, Aye Aye cannot handle him. That only 0.5 time she could, is when I am out for grocery shopping, Renzo just has no choice but cries till he nearly loses his voice and extremely tired, maybe he will give in a bit and let Aye Aye carry him for milk or sleep.. The rest of the time basically I just have to quickly take over and coax my boy till he cools down, then pass back to her. But a lot of times, the moment I take over, Renzo will stop crying and once he is back to Aye Aye's arms, he will start it all over again. I tried to let go and just let him cry it out but it is so heartpain to see his tears all over his face and he fidgets till his whole body turns red..

So during daytime, this happens at least about 4-5 times and I am really worried about how am I going to work when Renzo is crying. To certain extend, going back to office is definitely going to make my life easier as it provides me with the right working environment. But for the sake of my precious boy, I think I just have to pull through this period, it is only about 4 months time from now till end of March, with a number of holidays and a short month of Feb..
Some people said babies can recognize our faces and that is why sometimes they do not let others carry them. But isn't it normal for babies to cry for mummies' hugs and kisses, since we've gone through an exhausting pregnancy and labour, and now the infant care phase is even more backbreaking. Though Aye Aye is super good at imitating my way of carrying, patting, feeding, talking and singing to Renzo, it is no doubt that my boy still seeks for comfort from me..
Now I can only pray that Renzo can outgrown this period soon, and start to get distracted easily by other stuff when he learns to flip, sit, crawl, walk and talk..
Finally, some pictures taken with my new Samsung Pixon 12 phone for your viewing pleasure.. (err like Win said, we should call it a camera with phone fuctions, haha)..

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