Here's the baby model from Korea - Super duper cute.. but err.. boy? or girl? I can't really tell..

Here's our prince Renzo - As usual, he stopped whatever he's doing and stared at the camera, it's forever so difficult to capture his sweet smile..

The lace wig headband is a christmas present we bought for our niece Cherry, we just borrowed for a quick photo shoot (we didn't even have the time to change Renzo into a nice outfit, and really sorry Kelly my sis, we should not have let Renzo wear this even before presenting it to Cherry =0)
Win was very against the idea of letting Renzo wear the headband, well I can understand he doesn't want our boy to look at these pictures and blame his mummy for dolling HIM up.. Till he saw Renzo's innocent look with the headband on, he changed his mind..
But okay, this should be how it looks.. Cherry was asked to wear either Red or Green color to childcare during her christmas gift exchange party, and Kelly decided to dress her up as a "christmas tree" as Red is for Chinese new year.. And I think the yellow headband matches perfectly with her green dress!!
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