You might wonder what had happened? I have no idea either. Renzo's hand control is definitely improving. He rakes objects towards himself and pick them up, and grasp them for quite a while before dropping them. But he was definitely not the one who put his favorite rattle onto his own forehead. Our maid Aye Aye was the one who did it, and the funny thing we found was, somehow the rattle didn't drop at all no matter how Renzo moved around.. haha he looked so innocent and it seemed that he did not feel the existence of this strange object on his forehead at all.. But we could't stop laughing while seeing our boy in his "angel look" (okay he needs a pair of wings.. haha)..
Anyway, I am sure all parents find their precious ones their angels, who can really bring bundles of joys to the family..
Yesterday I talked to my sister Kelly about my plan of giving our little boy a private space for play/study. Someone may raise an eyebrow on this, isn't it too early to talk about study when our baby is just less than 6 months old? The answer is NO, it is never too early as babies love to learn new things. And somehow I found Renzo has this fancy over Chinese language (maybe we've been speaking English to him all this while, thus Chinese sounds more interesting to him??), because he smiles and laughs whenever I read Chinese poems or sing Chinese lullabies to him. So I decided to pen down the 6 chinese poems I read out to him everyday, and I am hoping that a few years later he will be able to proudly tell his school teacher that his mummy has taught him all these since he was 4 months plus. My mother taught Cherry in the past and she could remember all when she was only about.. 16 months old?!!
qian1 shan1 niao3 fei1 jue2, wan4 jing4 ren2 zong1 mie4
gu1 zhou1 suo1 li4 weng1, du2 diao4 han1 jiang1 xue3
gu1 zhou1 suo1 li4 weng1, du2 diao4 han1 jiang1 xue3
《悯农》 李绅
《min3 nong2》 li3 shen1
chu2 he2 ri4 dang1 wu3, han4 di1 he2 xia4 tu3
shui2 zhi1 pan2 zhong1 can1, li4 li4 jie1 xin1 ku3
《咏鹅》 骆宾王
《yong3 e2》 luo4 bin1 wang2
e2 e2 e2, qu3 xiang4 xiang4 tian1 ge1
bai2 mao2 fu2 lu4 shui3, hong2 zhang3 bo1 qing1 bo1
《赋得古原草送别》 白居易
《fu4 de2 gu3 yuan2 cao3 song4 bie2》 bai2 ju1 yi4
li2 li2 yuan2 shang4 cao3, yi2 sui4 yi4 ku1 rong2
ye3 huo3 shao1 bu2 jin4, chun1 feng1 chui1 you4 sheng1
《春晓》 孟浩然
《chun1 xiao3》 meng4 hao4 ran2
chun1 mian2 bu4 jue2 xiao3, chu4 chu4 wen2 ti2 niao3
ye4 lai2 feng1 yu3 sheng1, hua1 luo4 zhi1 duo1 shao3
《静夜思》 李白
《jing4 ye4 si1》 li3 bai2
chuang2 qian2 ming2 yue4 guang1, yi2 shi4 di4 shang4 shuang1
ju3 tou2 wang4 ming2 yue4, di1 tou2 si1 gu4 xiang1
Back to my plan of haivng a baby play/study room, most likely we will let Aye Aye shift to the guest room and give Renzo's baby room back to him after this Chinese New Year.

P/S: I just received all these learning materials from my parents today, some for Renzo, some for Cherry, some for us as the parents.. so touched..
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