Monday, January 11, 2010

Renzo's first haircut

Well, like we have mentioned in our older posts, we have never planned to shave Renzo's hair as we never believe shaving baby's hair will make it grow better, moreover, we have confirmed with Dr Ong Eng Keow, our paediatrician, that there's no scientific proof to supprt this old saying at all. We just made an appointment with our hair dresser Angie, to give Renzo a haircut at her house in Kallang on Jan 10, since his hair is just growing a bit too long.

But our dearest sister in law Lucretia, who just came back from UAE for a short holiday, wanted to visit us and have dinner with our in laws on the same day. Therefore we quickly cancelled the appointment with Angie, and thought that maybe we should reschedule it to this coming weekend instead. During our chit chat session with Lu, I got this idea from her that in fact we can just trim Renzo's hair on our own. Well it sounds like a great idea to me because it save us the hassle to bring Renzo all the way down to Kallang from our house.

So this morning, I did a super fast haircut for Renzo with his baby scissors while he was having a nap..
And ta-da...
Here's Renzo's new look..

Sorry my dear boy, this was definitely not done professisonally, we will get you a much better hairstyle next time, when you grow older.. hehee..

And just some older photos to share, mummy already starts to miss your previous hair style.

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