"Da Da~ Da Da~," he called from beyond my vision as I slowly push away the bedsheets to obligingly greet this little weekend alarm clock of mine. My usual routine have me sitting in front my computer checking out my emails and doing all my geeky stuff, when i came across a Facebook page that Feli deliberately left opened on her Firefox browser (she uses Firefox and I'm a loyal Google Chrome user, we both gave up on Internet Explorer). It was a page displaying a "Channel 8's Precious Babes" event.

Being someone who hasn't watched local broadcasts since the introduction of cable TV in Singapore, I knew Feli was up to something so I asked about it. Apparently it was some contest held by MediaCorp Channel 8 showcasing cute babies island-wide posted by eager parent whom each felt that their little bundle of joy deserves the "Cutest Baby" throne.
As I lazily scrolled through the pics on the Facebook page, I came across a many adorable little ones and just as many pictures that I personally felt were just a waste of hard disk space (many a times, it is the problem of a badly taken shot with a bad camera). Before long, I came to a conclusion that if those pics can rally a strong support of some 50+ votes, there is nothing that Renzo's irresistible pics cannot top.
We followed the instructions from the Facebook page and within minutes, we have gotten Renzo's picture posted on the wall and onto the media world.
Hello TV Lovers, My Name is Renzo Chan and I'm ready to take over!
Kindly support me by clicking on "Like" in the following link!
Kindly support me by clicking on "Like" in the following link!
Thank You all Lovely Aunties and Uncles, Kor Kors and Jie Jies~!
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