Monday, August 2, 2010

Renzo's development - Month 11

11 Month vs. 10 Month
Weight: + 0.2kg

Height: + 2.5cm

Head Circumference: not measured

Woot!! Renzo boy is almost 1 year old and he's growing healthily and happily so far under the care of Daddy, Mummy and Auntie AyeAye.

There's nothing really new to Renzo's life during the past one month, he continues to amuse us everyday with all his funny patterns. We discovered that he's able to eat rice very well and Sushi rice seems to be his favorite food. He tried that once at a Jap restaurant and he got addicted to it. So the next day I prepared home made Sushi for him and he really cried for more when he finished his first plate.

Despite the fact that our big boy is getting heavier everyday, we still love to carry him but my sister has been reminding us many times that we should not "spoil" him by carrying him too often. So there was this afternoon when all of us were wandering around Vivo city with Renzo trying all sorts of methods to get out of his stroller, we decided not to carry him out irregardless. He cried loudly for almost 15 minutes till we finally surrendered and brought him out, but he continued to cry on and off for another 20 minutes even after I embraced him in my arms and rocked him non-stop, then only we found out that he was wearing this pair of new shoes (a bit tight for him as he's outgrown them) and accidentally he kicked on his stroller wheel and hurt his left big toe, so after we took off his shoes and socks, he's back to his usual self and sat peacefully in his stroller again with a painful bruised big toe. That incident reminded us about what my mother told us 10 months ago, although Renzo is not the quiet and easy to look after type, he will not cry for no reason. We must give him attention whenever he cries. My mother is so right about that, and seeing how this poor little boy fall asleep on his own after enduring the pain and being neglected by daddy and mummy just makes us feel more than a little guilty. (Just for records, the way he fell asleep was damn cute. He was biting the front of his stroller for a good 10-15 minutes with his eyes wide open and peering around... then the next thing we knew, he fell asleep, with his jaws still biting onto the stroller... haha... Revenge! You hurt me so I bite you!!)

During the past one month, we've discussed about whether to have #2 or not. Win definitely wants another baby but I have more concerns. Long pregnancy period, painful labour process, new job, my age, who's able to look after our baby, when is Dr Lim Teck Chye retiring (yes that's a HUGE concern also as I do not believe I could find a better gynae than him)? It seems that whether to have #2 is not the biggest question, but WHEN?

Another discussion we had was about whether to celebrate for Renzo's birthday or not? Renzo is turning 1 year old in another 10 days time, and we've not done any preparation for his birthday celebration yet. So, the answer is obviously NO then. Luckily Win and I are very rational people, we are sure that Renzo is not going to appreciate a party at this age, and we will make everyone super tired only. So we will just have a small cake cutting session with family then.

On a side note, my cousin just gave birth to baby boy Yuma Saburi on July 06, a super short labour of only 5 hours and she didn't opt for epidural either. I think after hearing the story from my sister and I, she has this same strong belief that natural delivery without epidural is the best option for mummy and baby. Renzo is now a big brother and we can't wait to see baby Yuma in Japan next year!
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