And, after inventing his own word "swimming pee" from "swimming poo(l)", and challenging our intelligence level by responding "That's not LEFT" to our comment "That's not RIGHT" on things he did wrong, last night after his shower time, my mother-in-law came into our room and asked him to sing a new song "Two little black birds" she just taught him 3 days ago.
So there he goes, a modified version of the song with his own imagination and, sense of humor:
"Two little black birds,
Sitting on a wall;
One named Joy Joy,
One named Renzo.
Fly away Joy Joy!
Fly away Renzo!
Come Back Joy Joy!
Come Back Renzo!"
The lyrics is way much simpler than many other lullabies he learned such as "Incy Wincy Spider", "Do Re Mi", or any other songs he mastered in Chinese. But I was very impressed with the fact that he has replaced the birds name "Peter" and "Paul" with "Joy" and "Renzo".
Joy is a classmate from his Pre-Nursery 1 class at the childcare center. We've met her once or twice in school and she's about half a year older than Renzo. She's not the most beautiful and cute girl in his class, well both Daddy and Mummy Chan found another girl Audrey being the prettiest and cutest little one. And most importantly, Audrey likes Renzo very much (we can tell from her sparkling eyes whenever she sees Renzo). So we were kind of hoping that our boy could have some "chemistry" with Audrey, okay we know that's not the most logical and appropriate thoughts at this stage of course..
Anyway we did notice something very special about Joy. She's very sociable and interactive, maybe it's also because she's the oldest in PN1 class. Her linguistic skill is obviously stronger than most of the kids in class. The previous time we saw her during Renzo's birthday celebration in school, she's "leading" the group to sing songs in English and Chinese whereby most of the kids could barely follow. And maybe Renzo is just like his Daddy, who prefers someone who's able to hold an intellectual conversation with him?! LOL... (*Daddy Chan is nodding his head in the background as he is reading this...*)
This morning, I just checked with Renzo's teacher whether he's behaving well in school, since he repeated a few times these few days "Teacher Helen is Angry!", which made us a bit concerned about whether he's been naughty at school. And the lovely teacher happily told me that Renzo is the most well-behaved one who always follows instructions closely and never likes to disturb others in class. And she even said sorry to Renzo that she might be angry with some other kids who were shouting and screaming in class, which made Renzo worried or scared, LOL...
Remembering how we were fascinated by Renzo's baby noises (video here)during his first few months, seeing how Renzo is able to communicate with us really bring about much joy. Next level would probably have Renzo holding a proper conversation with us... something Daddy Chan has wished for since forever...
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