It's been almost 9 months since Renzo started going to Childcare on April 01, 2011. It was a fruitful 9 months for this little boy although we do not know much about his life in school, since he is not able to tell us much about what's going on daily at this moment. But we definitely noticed some changes in him, such as being able to feed himself, wear his clothes and shoes, sing a lot more songs in both Chinese and English and talk in full sentences, etc.

A few weeks ago, we had a "meet parents session" with his Teacher Helen from his Pre-Nursery 1 class. It's about 20 minutes talk and at the end of the session, we were given a CD which contains some highlights of Renzo's school life in powerpoint format. Teacher Helen is a super friendly, caring and sweet lady and we could easily tell how much passion and love she has towards the kids in the center, and we are truly grateful to have her as Renzo's first teacher. She gave lots of positive feedback about Renzo, telling us that our little boy is always willing to follow instructions, never bullies other classmates, has a very pleasant personality, loves singing and dancing, sleeps well and eats well, and never throws tantrums in school at all. She also commented that we parents seem to have taught Renzo a lot at home, as he knows his alphabet and numbers well, could recognize a lot of items like shapes and colors while reading his books, and being one of the most talkative kids who's able to converse in full sentence, in both Chinese and English. Well we have to definitely thank Teacher Helen as being Renzo's Chinese teacher, she had definitely motivated and encouraged Renzo to speak more often in Chinese.

Both Win and I were super proud when Teacher Helen mentioned that Renzo is very focused and patient when he is doing something. If he is reading a book, he can really sit down there and read page by page for a long time and not be distracted by other kids who are playing around. If he is playing a puzzle or block game, he always makes sure he completes the last piece of his puzzle or build up something with the blocks, so he could show the end result to the teachers happily.

The only "concern" she has to share with us is that, Renzo is still not feeling comfortable with large group of people. And she said it could be due to the fact that Renzo is the only child, and in the past he was not exposed to many strangers while he was cared by our maid alone.
Time really flies and after Christmas, Renzo will be promoted to the next level - Pre-Nursery 2 class and the good thing is, he will still be able to see his Teacher Helen during breakfast or morning assembly session. We hope maybe some of these lovely kids from Renzo's Pre-Nursery 1 class, could become his life time good friend in the future!!
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