Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Renzo's QUESTIONS...

Yes, Renzo now recognizes the Question Mark (?) sign, and not just that, during these recent months, from simply repeating what we say, to interactively communicating with us, Renzo has entered into a new stage of toddler development - ASKING QUESTIONS!!!  

Everything he hears through his little ears, he will question: "What's that sound?"
One morning, he woke up and heard the birds chirping, he asked, "What's that sound Mummy??" I told him, that's the bird, Renzo! "NOooo...... Mummy, what's that sound?", "That's the bird singing, Renzo!"
"NO.... THAT"S RENZO SAYING 'NOooo'...."

He's picking up his Chinese really fast recently, and he asks "What is xxxx in Chinese" at least 10 times everyday. I have to think of Chinese names for Thomas trains, Dora and many other "friends" of his.. The more challenging question he asked me last night was: "Mummy, what is 'Daddy and Mummy bring Renzo take bus 34, then sit in front, then go to school, then say good morning teacher Angela, then the sky is so dark, then Renzo is scared, then thunder no more already! Then Nainai fetch Renzo back and take bus 69 go to interchange, then change bus 18 go home already!!!' IN CHINESE??"
The question I LOVE and "HATE" the most from Renzo, is when he misbehaves, he will ask me right away, "MUMMY, DO YOU LIKE RENZO??" as he realizes that he has done something wrong. Very smart boy right? He knows how to distract me and ensure that I am not angry at him...

Now here's a video of Renzo singing "Do-Re-Mi" song last night, obviously he's in good mood as we seldom get chance to capture him singing on video. We dug out the video of him singing this same song almost a year ago, when he was only about 20 months old. And personally I am more impressed with his baby voice although the lyrics weren't clear at that time =)

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