Okay both Daddy Chan and I did not have the chance to learn how to play piano when we were young, in fact I have totally zero interest in musical instrument. But it's a "No-brainer" decision to send Renzo for piano class as there are just so many benefits of learning it. I deem it as the real challenge to us because we have never sent Renzo for any kind of real enrichment class, basically he just goes to full day childcare on a daily basis. And he used to attend some once a week junior course at "Josiah Montessori" for a few weeks and tried out one session at "My Gym" and that's it. I could not say he enjoys such classes much as his attention span is usually as short as 20-30 minutes and being the "anti-social" kind, ah alrighty I should used the word "introvert" instead, who needs quite a while to warm up, he is just not as attentive and enthusiastic as most other kids in class. Moreover, we have been teaching Renzo on most of his academic stuff such as alphabets, phonics, numbers, colors and shapes, etc at home. We have no idea about how much he could absorb when we expose him to a school environment, to learn something totally new and professional, which both Daddy and Mummy have no knowledge about.
So knowing our son well enough, I've preempted him many times about his piano class (well not the real one yet) for weeks and months. Luckily he is still showing interest whenever we talk about learning to play piano. Indeed my mother is the one who's super into sending Renzo for piano class, after she witnessed his first encounter with piano at a hotel lobby a year ago. And since then, Renzo has been bugging us to get him a piano especially after his every visit to his cousin's house (yes our niece Cherry is learning piano and has a brilliant piano at home that makes Renzo curious and excited every time when he visits her house).
Anyway as Daddy happened to have some other commitment, he could not go for the first class with Renzo, so I had the chance to learn with Renzo together in the classroom. I guess I won't have much chances in the future as we agreed that Daddy will accompany him for his every class since obviously, Daddy has way better note reading ability than me.
We paid for his learning materials in school (that's not included in his school fees), a whooping 100 bucks allows us to bring home 2 textbooks, 1 CD, 1 set of stickers and 1 percussion set.
On our way home, Renzo told me that he wants to go to his piano class again next week. But when I played the CD attached to his textbook, which has the same songs Ms Chan played during the class, he gave us a big smile with a surprised look at first (must be thinking why am I hearing this again??), but within 5 minutes, he swapped that disc with his alphabet/phonics disc on his own!! Well, we are not expecting a genius pianist anyway so for now, let's just be patient and let him enjoy what he likes I guess...