I know we've prepared him well, he has prepared himself well, but I must say, he really has this amazing preschool that prepared him extremely well!
I've mentioned previously that he's coping well in school and there was not a single episode of drama happened, such as losing his belongings or getting himself into trouble for any reason. Besides that, academically, he's been loving his teachers and his lessons. He has English spelling and Chinese tingxie tests on every alternate week. And it's a breeze to get him prepared in less than 10 minutes, usually he does not make any mistake on his first attempt since he's learned all those word during class. As of now, the test words are really simple, in fact way easier than those that he has done during preschool.
I have a feeling that he's also missing his preschool life. He attended a childcare friend's birthday party and it's incredible to see how excited the kids are, meeting one another again after their year end school concert since last December. At the same time, he often talks about his preschool teachers with his little brother at home, as they do know all of the teachers despite being in different classes.

A week ago, we brought Renzo back to his childcare for an open house, it's meant for existing students and of course Renzo has the privileged to join in the fun, because his little brother is an existing student. We were rather impressed when we realized Renzo was so well received and warmly welcomed by all his ex-teachers. They showered him with countless hugs and kisses. They even displayed his artwork right outside the door although he's graduated months ago.
Well yes I know I've talked about his preschool again and again but seriously, I am glad that Rynus still has a good 3 years there, otherwise I will be the first one to suffer from withdrawal syndrome, okay I am sure I will when didi graduates in end 2018!
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