Anyway so, after that trip, Renzo is back on his usual routine again as Daddy and Mummy goes to work, Rynus didi goes to full day childcare. And his "usual routine" basically means, to spend the whole day at home with our helper. I do not give him any assessment but he just automatically works on a few pages everyday, which is really great, and there's time allocated for piano practise too, other than that, it's just play, play, and play.
I know many parents have planned a long list of activities for their kids during the school holiday period, SAHMs have the privilege to keep their little ones occupied with daily programs, and even FTWMs are often seen taking a few days leaves on a weekly basis, in order to bring their kids out for some fun. But for us, we prefer to let Renzo stick to his routine and luckily he's a homely person, he can easily spend a few hours customizing his own gundam model from a set of 20 years old gundam models Daddy used to build as a kid. And by the time we are home after work, he can proudly present us with his new creation, such as a 4-headed-dragon-transformer-alike-robot (now I know it's not true that once gundams are built, they are only for display).
You see, keeping him at home for the entire day isn't really that bad. I meant there are so many other kids who have to continue going to student care, although it's probably a full day of play at the center too. But Renzo definitely can enjoy much more freedom at his comfy own house! So instead of cracking our head to decide on what to do with him outside, well you don't have to as there's this popular blogger who shared more than 100 activities for kids which you can find on this awesome blog here, I've planned one single activity to keep Renzo occupied at home, which is, to help with household chores!

1. Pick Up Their Room — The boys have a rather neat and tidy room but their wardrobe is pretty much overloaded, oh yes the boys are rather fashionable and enjoy picking up their favorite pieces at H&M and Cotton On kids. Renzo's task is to take all his clothes out and sort them accordingly, pack away those no longer wearing for donation.

4. Empty Trashes — The rubbish chute is right outside our door so it probably takes a few seconds for him to hoist trashes into the dumpster. And the bonus part is, he gets to learn about recycled materials this way too.
5. Wash Dishes – He's done it before, stand on a stool at the kitchen sink and wash his own nonbreakable dishes is a piece of cake to him.
6. Organize Bookshelf — We have a number of bookshelves at home, with the biggest one recently added into the living room. It would be super cool if this little one manages to figure out a way to sort out his books nicely.
Renzo got a "Gotcha" book from his school, and he's so eager to collect 15 signatures from us so he could redeem a Gotcha Badge. Now I start to feel proud about the school holiday plan I mapped out for him, because he will definitely be able to achieve his goal before the end of his holiday!
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