Little did we expect that the '10:30am' appointment would drag all the way till pass 11:30. We didn't bring out Renzo's milk bottle for we thought we could have reached home within the hour, so we eventually decided that it would be best that I rushed home to prepare his milk and bring it to the polyclinic. So home-bound I was... and as soon as i opened the door, a lady popped up from behind me. Startled me a little till she handled me a package in her Singpost uniform. Bah... must be one of Feli's online order deliveries for Renzo's merchandises (Feli is starting to be quite a frequent online bargain hunter since she started shopping for Renzo's baby stuff). So I signed for the package and hurriedly prepared Renzo's meal and rushed back to a soon-to-be-hungry poopersaurus.
Upon my return, I saw Renzo happily cuddled against Feli and looking around in his usual curious fashion. I'm pretty sure he didn't notice my 15 minute absence and was too busy absorbing the surrounding to realise that it was pass his usual feeding time...=P
'Beep' went the buzzer to indicate that room was ready for us. We entered and was greeted by a nurse whom, based on the way she answered our questions about the vaccination and injection scheduled, didn't quite seem to know her stuff. She sluggishly measured Renzo's height and weight (without adjusting Renzo's head position) and made the marking on Renzo's Health Booklet, suggesting that Renzo in growing well (50 percentile for both height and weight). After this, we waited again, this time for Renzo to be examined by a doctor, who did a few physical tests with Renzo, including placing him on his tummy to see if he will do baby's mini push-ups and also holding him just high enough to see Renzo's legs moving in a cyclic motion.
With the check ups done, it was finally time for Renzo to take the 5-in-1 jab. All sources that Feli could find on online forums highlighted that this jab might potentially lead to the baby having a fever, and that kind of made us worried. To make things worse, as the nurse (the same blur one as mentioned above) prepared the equipment, we could hear other babies crying from the neighbouring rooms. Sheesh...

As we left waited for the lift to get back to the ground floor, we saw another baby crying from the injection that she just took. I looked at Feli and smirked, "Should we pass her Renzo's sunflower mirror?" ;)
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