My dearest hubby gave me a big surprise because recent years we stopped buying birthday presents, and instead we usually just go wine & dine at some nice hotel restaurants. This year is even worse. With our little prince, basically we have no personal life. I only bought a cake for Win's birthday as that was during my confinement period and I was having a hard time looking after Renzo. Thus I was really shocked when Win presented this nice Louis Vuitton key&card holder to me. 
It is my favorite damier canvas again and looks really chic and practical. I really love it and the most important thing is, it is from my dearest hubby who cares for me so much!
Okay back to our little moo moo, he is still doing ok and we will bring him for his 5-in-1 jab on this Friday. I dare not to let him go for Pneumococcus this time as I am afraid 2 jabs at one time is going to be too strong for him. The nurse has advised that we can let him take 3 dose at 7th , 9th and 12th month. Therefore our plan is just to let him have 5-in-1 with 1st dose of Rotarix (oral jab) and hopefully that will not cause any fever. The routine checkup at polyclinic will include weight and height measurement, and I am pretty sure this little sumo is already above 7.5kg so it is not too difficult for him to hit the top 97 percentle. Haha I have to admit that he is really big in size, but I am happy enough as long as he is strong and healthy, and he has really soft, supple and kissable skin .^_^.
And something we have not done so far, is to take a family photo which we might be taking on Renzo's 1st year birthday. So for now, a "superimposed" copy first (sorry Win I know your baby photo is a bit unglam, haha but that's the only one we can find close to Renzo's age now). Win should be at least 5 months I think, and I was 100 days at that time (err so who should be called the little sumo? Should be Mummy Chan instead of Baby Chan =P)
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