For the very first time, Win brought Renzo for his Pneumococcus jab (2nd dose) at polyclinic on Apr 19 himself, and I was not there with them because taking leave is not something I usually do when I start a new job. I felt really bad about it because in the past I was always the one carrying Renzo when he had the injection, but this time Win had to do it, and according to him, instead of whining a little bit during every injection, Renzo really cried this time.
Overall his growth is really good, well his weight is a bit on the high side but he is all healthy, that's more important to us.
08 Month vs. 07 Month
Weight: + 0.3kg
Height: + 0cm
Head Circumference: not measured
Major development1. His top 3 incisors erupted.
2. He is able to crawl well.
3. He looks at the fan when you ask "where is the fan?" and looks at the poster on the wall when you ask "where is C is for CAR?".
4. He uses his potty to pass motion most of the time. He pooped on diaper for no more than 3 times in the past 2 months.
5. He had his first outside meal at crystal jade restaurant on Apr 24.

Renzo has tasted a wider range of food during the past 1 month, that even includes some oily and salty stuff at the restaurant. It was really fun to watch him nibbling on "roasted duck kway teow noodles" and "cha siu bao (chinese steamed bun)", of course we only let him try the dough but not the filling. Of course he enjoyed his meal very much, and I was really worried that he will refuse to eat any home cooked food since they are usually less tasty. Anyway guess we might not let him try outside food again till he is 1 year old maybe, the reason is simple, outside food are too unhealthy and his digestive system might not be able to take it for the time being. Since I am working and AyeAye has not much time preparing Renzo's daily food, I've made stocks in an ice cube tray and a lot of dumplings for Renzo's lunch and dinner, so AyeAye could simply add them into Renzo's ABC pasta. During weekends, I cook porridge for Renzo as it requires longer time to prepare.

And finally, after so many months of crazy online shopping, I bought this nice little hat for Renzo at a small shop that sells kids apparels. The hat is made and imported from Korea. I was quite reluctant to pay 25 bucks for it initially. But when Renzo saw his own reflection in the mirror with this hat on, he was chuckling like nobody's business, his sweet smile simply melted my heart and I couldn't think much but made the payment immediately, LOL..
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