I have always been a person who believed that communication is one of the more important aspect of almost everything one does in life, ranging from social life to love life to career life... And when one mentions communication, language is probably the first thing that comes to mind. So early in Renzo's life, Feli and I agree that focusing on Renzo's linguistic skills would be an appropriate step toward achieving the ultimate aim of having Renzo properly expressing himself.
So it was just another usual weekday evening when we showered Renzo, only this time it was slightly earlier, in hopes that he will sleep earlier as we were trying to change his routine slightly to allow him to sleep earlier and wake up earlier in preparation for his upcoming days in childcare, where we estimate that he'll have to wake up at approximately 7:30am (for the longest time this boy has been sleeping around 10-11pm and waking up around 8-9). After his shower we played with him on our bed in an attempt wear off the seemingly infinite energy Renzo possesses. To our amazement, he began humming a song that neither Feli nor myself recognised.
We knew that Renzo understood a little Cantonese, afterall he recognizes his ears as "Yit Zai" instead of their English reference. But this song, it was undoubtedly neither English, Mandarin, nor Cantonese. It was then we turned our eyes to Aye Aye, who stopped mopping our room, to find her in similar awe.
Unknowingly, Renzo had picked up a Burmese song from Aye Aye. Aye Aye explained that she sings to Renzo her songs from Myanmar to entertain and sometimes to pacify a cranky Renzo. It must have been from these repeating lullabies that Renzo picked up a few words of the Burmese language. Further prompting reveal that Renzo can say 1 to 5 in Burmese too (OMG ~! Cooool...).
So while he was still active and chatty, we quickly took a quick video of him
Now all that is left is to have my bro or sis-in-law to teach Renzo some middle-eastern language, and Renzo will be Pentalingual... and maybe Feli's cousin can teach Renzo Japanese... Hexalingual?
Haha thanks Susan! I think we have to speak Mandarin often at home too, Renzo doesn't really like Mandarin and can't express himself in Mandarin at all, besides "不要,没有了", Even he knows chinese songs or poems, that's not going to help much..
2 thoughts on this article:
Wow Renzo's linguistic ability is superb. You must be very proud of him :) Good reminder for me to speak to Sophie in mandarin more often too.
Haha thanks Susan! I think we have to speak Mandarin often at home too, Renzo doesn't really like Mandarin and can't express himself in Mandarin at all, besides "不要,没有了", Even he knows chinese songs or poems, that's not going to help much..
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