How is he doing at school?
Teacher's feedback: "Pretty good, getting better, on and off cries for his auntie Ayeaye, but plays well with his friends and enjoys music & dance time to the fullest. Learning to eat on his own at the same table with other kids but very quiet and do not speak much."
Auntie Ayeaye's feedback: "Cries badly, hard to leave him there, cries even when being picked up after lunch."
Daddy's feedback: "Renzo has grown up after a few days at childcare, he is able to self-feed and became more talkative at home."
Mummy's feedback

Yes that's the only impression I got after he entered school. Indeed he's not the only one having a tough time coping with new changes, me too! Just a month ago, he was longing for my company and even told us "Auntie ayeaye go home (Myanmar) already, no more, byebye". But now, he does not even want to look into my eyes or let me touch him, all he needs and wants is just his Auntie Ayeaye. He must be thinking that mummy is so cruel to send me to school and leave me there alone, only Auntie Ayeaye can save me and bring me home..
Anyway being a very rational person, I allowed myself to feel gloomy and depressed for one day, and I have to get over it and move on with a positive mindset that Renzo will understand eventually that we are already trying out very best. And from now till Ayeaye goes back to Myanmar in Sept, I told Daddy Chan that we have to spend every possible minute of ours with Renzo, establish a healthy attachment with him and become his safe harbor.. Well we definitely thought we are since day one, but apparently Renzo's sees Ayeaye as his safe harbor, at least for now =(
1 thoughts on this article:
no worry... I believe renzo knows mummy & daddy chan love him a lot.
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