Today marks the 1st week of us putting Renzo into extended childcare. Meaning he wakes up in the morning cranky, gets pacified by nibbling at a slice of bread or playing with his animal blocks, change and set off for the childcare center at about 8am. And from there on, peace and serenity at home until we pick him up again later in the day at about 4pm to 4:30pm or whenever the teachers deem appropriate (e.g crying out loud because it is 'late' and we haven't gone to pick him up). Previously it was only till about 12:00pm when we pick him up... so yeah, that is pretty much the new routine that we are set to have trial running over the next few weeks (months even) to see if Renzo can get used to it.

Anyway, day one was good. According to the teachers, he slept well but when he woke up and didn't see family members around, starting to cry for daddy and mummy. We sent aye aye to pick him up at around 4. Day two was the following Monday, and because it was over the weekends, his routine was pretty much unbroken. So on Monday itself, he instinctively knew that once he slept in the afternoon, he won't wake up to see Daddy or Mummy around him. So he rejected sleep, managing only a mere 30 minutes, resulting in us having to pick him up around 3. But since that Monday, all was well. He seemed to enjoy the routine. Perhaps it was the afternoon shower, perhaps it was the tea-break snacks. But whichever the cause, I love it when he come skipping home to the front door and cheerfully point at me and go "DADDY~". An obvious sign of good mood since the day he learned to walk and talk. There was even that one day when Renzo brought back artworks to us... ^_^
At this rate it goes, probably we will be able to place him in fullday childcare, from 8.30pm to say 5pm (if my parents are able to pick him up) or 7pm (for us to rush from work to his childcare). Poor baby, having to go to childcare for such long hours just because Daddy and Mummy have to work. Gone are the days when single income families can survive the high standard of living in Singapore. My dear Renzo, I certainly hope that this aspect have improved by the time you become a daddy.
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