Daddy Chan has blogged about Renzo's
"Terrible Twos" and I have mentioned before that maybe it's going to
come to an end soon..
The fact is, I was all wrong!!

But with a year of experience observing and interacting with this "terrible" little boy, we somehow figured out his way of doing and interpreting things. Although we could not agree with him on most occasions, we jolly well understand how to get things done in a twisted way (not 100% his way but not 100% our way either), without making Renzo too cranky.
Of course we have to give Renzo some credits, after turning "Terrific Three", he is showing signs of improvement. He does not throw tantrums without any reason, yes he still throws tantrums for sure but but but, there's always a reason, be it valid or invalid. And look at the bright side, he's able to express himself well enough for us to understand what he really wants, so we could address his needs more effectively, and rapidly...

If I have not mentioned anything about how fussy Renzo is when comes to food, yes just like most other kids, he's gone through a long period of "no vegetables" diet, I meant REALLY LONG period, which lasted for almost a whole year. He started off with eating vegetables only in school but not at home, after we enrolled him into full day childcare for a few months last year. Slowly, things got worse and he was even rejecting vegetables in school and became very picky during meal time. Only during these recent weeks, he started to have much better appetite and eat almost everything we offer to him, including all types of vegetables. This must be the greatest improvement I've seen so far. I have no magic solution to his eating problem during the past one year although we've tried almost every method you could think of. All we did was just to wait... wait for Renzo to outgrow this stage on his own.

Luckily Renzo is a big fan of fruits, all kinds of fruits (besides mango, which causes rashes on his skin), he even loves durians!! And many people questioned how can he be so chubby if he does not eat??!! Well he basically survived on fruits!! If you've seen how he gobbled down 2 big pears, 2 medium apples, 1 banana and a few pieces of papaya in a stretch of 3-4 hours, you will understand what I meant.
Anyway, there are still a hundred and one "Renzo problems" awaiting for us to tackle, we understand that his "Terrible TWO" is not going to end at "Terrific THREE" but we are willing to welcome his "Fabulous Four" to come in less than a year's time!!
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