Social media network has been flooded with online parenting tips nowadays, such as 9 tips to be your child's best friend, 8 tips that promote most effective discipline, 7 ways to raise happy kid, 6 ways to get your kid to eat better, etc, etc....
I usually take those with a pinch of salt because, I feel that most of the stuff I've read, are either lack of reach and statistical support, or filled with too much scientific proofs which don't sound logical. After all, how many of those so called experts or scientists have kids, and even if they do, how many kids they've really brought up with their single pair of hands? I don't believe they've brought up as many, in order to represent different characters covering a full 360 degree spectrum..
I especially hate those articles keep telling you, 10 ways you will spoil your kids, which my parents have, clearly followed 9 out of the 10 and I am still, clearly NOT raised up as a spoiled brat.
But I do love those tips from parents which worked for their kids, which I find easier to relate to as a parent, and I even came up with
my own list of disciplining tips recently.
So among all those stuff I've ever read, some are indeed very useful and effective though.

One good example, is about how to teach your child not to interrupt, there's
a single step mentioned here and it worked like miracle on Renzo. Basically following this tip, he's told to hold our wrists if he needs to interrupt when we are in a conversation. And we just put our hands around his in return to acknowledge that, and give him the chance to speak once we are done with our conversation. It's extremely heart warming to see him doing that automatically after a few rounds of practices and reminders. When I say "a few", it was really just about 4-5 times of practice with us. So doesn't hurt to give it a try isn't it?!!

popular article in Chinese circulating around the internet, is about grocery shopping with kids. Basically it's a story about how a 4 years old purchase items independently at super market by preparing a "shopping list" to follow. It's amazing how many words a kid could recognize and how the concept of "managing financial budget" get instilled from young. This is something we've been doing with Renzo, and he enjoys grocery shopping so much because of the sense of satisfaction he got from being able to help out with decision making.

Last but not least, my dad is a true advocate for establishing good routine with timetable for kids. So I had to do my own daily schedule during school holidays since I was 6. There are some
tips about setting up schedule for kids here. For my kids, they have their daily timetable set up when they were infants. It serves as a guideline for our helper to follow as well, since she's the main caregiver at home before we sent the boys to full day childcare. A colorful timetable is not only appealing to kids, it is also a great reference for self discipline. Instead of sending Renzo to thinking corner which is a method works the best for his mischievous behavior when he was 3 to 4 years old, nowadays we just need to send him to his timetable. He knows exactly what he is expected to do at what time, without the need for us to reason with him at all. And trust me, it is the best motivation to get him started on a good routine, and then on, he managed to form a habit which helps him to continue with his routine.
So in a nutshell, do not get overstressed with those tips which work for others, but somehow, just not for you. Use your instinct as a parent and LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD!! Did I mention that's my "1 most effective tip to be a good parent"??!!!
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