So, why? Why the change in decision?
Let's just say, I was being forced by my 5 years old to send him for art enrichment, yes, that's the truth!
After casually discussing with me about his plan of taking art class, 3 weeks ago, he finally dragged me into the Global Art school nearer to our place after I fetched him from childcare, and happily attended his first assessment there, by drawing and coloring an apple on his own, and coloring another apple by following instructions given by teacher using the color blending method. He did pretty well on those tasks and I was advised to enroll him to Foundation level 2 lessons.
I gave myself another day to discuss about our plan with Daddy Chan, while letting Renzo have a second thought about his decision again to make sure that's really what he wanted. On the following day, I brought him to another Global Art branch in the same building as his childcare center, and re did the assessment again there. I was quite amazed that he wasn't frustrated with doing the exact same stuff again and indeed, he performed even better. This time, it is confirmed again that he's qualified for Foundation 2 level.

I explained to Renzo that besides daily 7am to 7pm childcare, I only expect him to attend his 45 minutes piano lessons every Sunday. And on top of that, he is allowed to pick one more enrichment lesson of his own choice. In this case, Global Art it is. If he wants to learn anything else in the future, he has to consider dropping one of those, which is clearly not childcare, and not piano (not anytime soon as I won't let him give up easily), so again, Global Art it is. He considered about it seriously and told me, "then I am not going to learn tennis mummy, can we ask daddy's friends to come and teach me how to play?". So, I totally didn't expect tennis is the next thing in his mind but nope, not for now. It's not just about financial factor here, we all know how expensive such classes can cost in Singapore. This Global Art lesson he's attending, costs about S$32 for 1.5 hours which is about 5 times more expensive than those conducted at community center. But my biggest concern, is TIME! He's already spending a decent amount of time learning in school and I just don't want him to spend his childhood rushing around for enrichment classes!!
So, after bothering me for another week about when will his first lesson begin, he finally had a taste of art enrichment on July 25th. He started with creating his own color chart and he really enjoyed it, that's all it matters isn't it?!
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