Tell me how would you feel:
While reading a story about a bear finds a box for the mouse...
(half way through the story)
Mummy: "Make a guess Renzo, what's inside the box? I think, it's a tiny piece of cheese!
Renzo: "I think, it's a house for the mouse!"
(almost done with the story)
Mummy: "ah I know, there's a mirror in the box!"
Renzo: "It's a house for the mouse, Mummy!"
(at the end of the story)
So the story ends like this:
Mummy: "wow how do you know that Renzo?!
Renzo: "I've read it before mummy, and I remember, you've never read that story before right?!-_-"
Apparently about a month ago, my dad bought this book during his trip to Taiwan, and Renzo flipped through the book for less than 5 minutes when he received it from my dad, so, that's how he got to know about it. And he has since never touched the book till recently so we are not even aware that he's read it on his own!
While waiting for some kids program to start on TV...
Mummy: "You keep watching Disney Junior, do you really know what show is this Renzo?"
Renzo: "Jungle Junction.."
Mummy: "Wow how do you know that, the show has not even started?!!"
Renzo: "When you see a lot of animals with wheels, that's Jungle Junction mummy!"
What a precise description!! And he's absolutely right, it's so easy to spot that but somehow despite watching the show with him for 1001 times, I just never really noticed at all...
While talking to Renzo about his day at school in daddy's car...
Mummy: "Did you play with Ashton today Renzo?"
Renzo: "Yup, and I have a new 小朋友 Valerie.."
Mummy: "That's nice! So is Joy Joy still in the same class as you Renzo?"
Renzo: "Not Joy Joy, Joy Shayna Lee!"
Mummy: " Yup I know that's her full name but you all call her Joy Joy since she was young you know.."
Renzo: "Right... orh.. Porsche!"
Mummy: "Por-sher? Who is Porsche? Another new friend in your class?! Boy or girl??"
Renzo: "That's a car brand mummy!!" (Pointing at a black Porsche that just zoomed pass daddy's car)

I wish I could have jotted down every single detail of such moments with Renzo, yes there are many other similar kind of conversations, and that what's-the-big-deal kind of calm but serious expression on his face, or should I just be brutally honest and say that his "yaya papaya (Singlish word that means arrogant and boastful) face, is always of highest entertainment value to me!
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