Just recently, I got really inspired by
a mummy friend's beautiful scrapbook ideas and decided to start filing Renzo's drawings, as some of his drawings are really very nicely done, and I do wish that 20 years down the road, he would appreciate the fact that we've kept all his hard work for him. Well of course with this watchrenzogrow blog, indeed we have been keeping lots of wonderful memories for him, but I still think nothing beats a physical collection of his drawings kept intact, for his children's viewing pleasure in the future.
I went to Popular bookshop 2 times in a day, and finally decided to get a traditional photo album instead of a standard scrapbook, the reason is simple, I am not a creative person and a scrapbook sounds like too big a challenge for me, whereas for the photo album, it is much cheaper and easier to maintain, at least for a rookie like me.
The filing process was pretty fun, till we realized some of his most amazing pieces, were thrown away by our helper. Honestly I was a bit cross, I meant it's no doubt my fault, to have told her that she could make her own decision and feel free to throw anything in the house while packing. But obviously, those drawings are so delicate, cheerful, lively and came with so much efforts!! How can anyone deem those as "not-worth-keeping" stuff?!
I got over it when Renzo told me,
"It's alright mummy, I still remember how I drew them and we have a lot of time in a day right? I can draw again, and I can draw even better ones!"

Fortunately, I kept some pictures of those drawings so we went ahead to develop those out. While I was embellishing those particular pages, Renzo read the contents I added and somehow, he felt that some true facts were missing there, so he cut off a small piece of paper and added
"Mummy has thrown it away -->" next to some of those missing pieces, he sure knows how to rub salt into wounds =(

He was thrilled when I presented the album full of drawings eventually, and went ahead to complete another new piece, just so he could add it into the album. I am so glad to see how much he is appreciating this album and he told me,
"I want to draw everyday, forever!!".. I am loving this great new start and hopefully we will move on to a really great looking scrapbook in the very near future!
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