On Oct 23, my mother who's been helping me greatly for the past 2 months plus went back to China and officially, we are on our own with our new Myanmar maid Aye-Aye. For the past two days little Renzo has been doing fine, it seemed that he was not affected much by the fact that grandma has left and will not be returning soon in the very near future. and that night he even slept for 5 hours from 9pm to 2am for the very first time. But the amazing thing is when we were at the airport, he stayed awake all the way till my mother left for boarding during his usual nap time. I guess somehow he really sensed that grandma is leaving him.. I am hoping that Renzo grows up healthily and by next year, we could bring him to meet my parents in Japan for my cousin's wedding...
And back to our little moo moo (haha a friend of mine asked why he becomes little moo moo, okay simply because he's born in the year of Ox.. haha), he is now adapting to the new change because Aye-Aye is still learning hard to handle him.

So far she's able to successfully feed him but of course not everytime. Feeding him is many times tougher than putting him to sleep (okay putting him to sleep is never easy either), because he needs to do at least 4 things including burp, cough, pee, poop, rest and drink water during one feeding, if you cannot get his cue, he will just keep on crying.. The good thing is we can see that Aye-Aye really likes Renzo a lot, whenever she's free she just likes to carry him. Also she gets disappointed when Renzo cries hard in her arms and I have to take over at the end.
But afterall life still goes on as usual despite all these changes, and our little boy never fails to amuse us. Look at this picture we managed to capture last night. I just burped him after feeding, and when I turned him from upright to seating position, I was shocked that he has this cloth in his mouth. I am not the one who stuffed it in!! I wanted so much to train him with grasping toys using his hands, but never expect him ended up mastering the skill with his mouth!!!
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