Feli's sis (Kelly) happened to be at our place that morning and we geared up at about 10am and prepared to go out.
Usually bringing Renzo out means we have to go through his 'Ready-for-Outdoor' routine which includes topping up his little stomach with milk and hopefully to get him to pee or poop before he crosses the main gates which divides home comfort from outdoor heat, noise, pollution and a host of other factors that can result in a grumpy baby Renzo.
So comfortably set into his stroller sponsored by my bro and sis-in-law, Renzo set out on his journey to Pasir Ris White Sands... It is about a 20 minute walk from our place to White Sands and the clear weather was comfortable enough for us to take a leisurely stroll there.
Kelly happily chatted with mom while Feli and I followed behind with little Renzo dozing off in the afternoon sun. This little guy likes it when the stroller bumpily rides over those drain covers. The bumps seems to coax him into a deeper sleep.

While my MIL was shopping in the supermarket, I found a quiet little corner to park myself and played with Renzo for a good half hour, awaiting for Feli to come back from TM with her facial cleansing purchase or my MIL with her groceries, whoever first...=P
Took a few Renzo pic of him in his stroller and found an uncanny resemblance to those japanese gundam pilots in their gundam cockpits... =P
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