07 Month vs. 06 Month
Weight: + 0.3kg
Height: + 1cm
Head Circumference: not measured
I feel that his motor skills have improved greatly during the past one month.
Major development
1. He is able to pick up snacks from plate with his fingers, bite and chew with his gum and 2 little teeth.
2. He called “papa” on March 06.
3. He called “ma” from March 11, and often call “ma”, “ma” when he cries.
4. He claps his hands often.
5. He is able to pass items from one hand to another.
6. He has great interest in crawling although he has not mastered the skill.
7. He is able to drink water from straw.
8. He is able to do “high five” with us, he responded to “high five” since he was about 4 months old, but now he can do it very well.
9. He knows the meaning of certain words, when I say “car” and show him his toy car, he will play the wheels with his fists, and when I say “C for CAR”, he will look at the alphabet poster on the wall. So I think he can relate these two together.
10. He is able to use his potty!!! He’s not potty trained yet but he started to use his potty very often and we do not need as many diapers as before nowadays. Ever since he got his new potty (for almost 2 weeks), he only passed motion onto his diaper twice, the rest of the time, he did it in his potty!! (Make me feel that this blue puku potty is the best investment I’ve made so far!!!) And I can’t agree more with my sister and parents that bad habit is formed not because our kids are not doing well enough, it is because the parents are just too lazy. If we are willing to bring our babies to potty more than 10 times a day, and clean up the mess whenever they get wet or dirty without diaper, every parent can figure out our babies’ pattern and get them toilet trained as early as possible.
11. Unfortunately, he’s still drooling like crazy, as always, and here’s our “solution” to it:
Scarves, a lot of scarves

I’m starting to feel that the bonding between AyeAye and Renzo is getting stronger, although our boy still cries hard for mummy’s hugs, he likes to see AyeAye and to be carried by her. And we believe that we are lucky to have her in the family. On a few occasions I really left only the two of them at home for almost a whole day and she was able to manage Renzo very well, and even noted down his sleeping and feeding times without being asked to do so (she’s smart as she knows we are tracking such information). When Renzo tries to crawl, she’s on all fours and chuckles besides him; when Renzo wants to poo poo, she sits beside his potty and makes “en en” sound to stimulate him; When Renzo cries, she sings her Myanmar lullabies which no one in the house understands; When Renzo achieves his “firsts” milestones, she is as excited as us parents. I think she plays an important role in Renzo’s growth and development. And I am sure she’s also grateful working for us, as she told me that she didn’t expect us to buy coffee mix for her daily consumption and her mother planned to send that to her from Myanmar, and she even brought her own lunch box here as she didn’t expect that we would let her eat with us together on the dining table. I think she’s a sincere and hardworking girl, and I am sure if she works with us for only 2 years, most probably Renzo will have no impression of her in the future even if we have all her pictures well kept.
And these are the picture we asked her to post back to her family, new clothes, nice food and cute baby of course, haha, hope her mother will allow her to stay with us for longer time, LOL..

On a side note: Renzo has received his passport, and I have to praise Singapore Immigration for their efficient service. Despite the super crowded waiting area and long queues (as always), we managed to collect his passport in less than a minute, that all should attribute to the convenience of online application and e-appointment through ICA website!! (applause!!!)