Anyway, so Feli and I tasked it in a simple and fair way, I was to come up with an english name for Baby Chan, and she will think of a chinese one, well... we didn't have much choice either, considering I haven't written anything in chinese since my 'O' Levels and the fact that I got a C6 for my mandarin didn't help either.

Thinking of name is something I do pretty often... I play games all the time and naming characters is mandatory for most games to even start. But naming my baby is a whole lot different. I mean, I can't be naming my kid 'Hellscream' or 'Ghosteer' eh? Well, I did initially want to name him 'Ronix' (named after 'Xyronix', one of my 5427892 game characters)... but to violent objections from various parties, most notably my dear brother Wilson, whom immediately googled it and retorted that naming babies after wakeboarding manufacturers ain't the wisest move. And yeah.. something in me agreed with my bro and thus I was thrown back into the spiral of alphabets that by then had all been flashing in my mind in all sorts of permutations. So after days of careful consideration (self-proclaimed), and brain-storming with friends and colleagues, I shortlisted three names.
1) Xavier
2) Dominic
3) Renzo
Xavier is a name that Feli have been liking for a while and because both of us wanted a name with either an 'X' or a 'Z' in it (cos it looks cool.. LOL) it was shortlisted.
Dominic was a suggestion from my favourite colleague, Kelly Chia (as oppose Feli's sister Kelly Cao). Kelly has a lovely daughter by the name of Chloe, and she told me that when she was preggie, she picked Chloe as the name for a girl and Dominic for a boy. Thumbs up for uniqueness and +1 to shortlist.
Lastly came Renzo, which was a name that I kinda remembered from either a Japanese show or a Japanese game and it ringed in me. Not only that, it was also a Louis Vuitton Graphite Damier bag that I have been eyeing on. Kelly was the one who suggested that it was quite a unique name, which I personally agreed.
The eventual winner was Renzo because when I smsed Feli about it, both her sister and her loved it. I guess it might be subconsciously due to the fact that it is an LV bag's name (though she claims that she didn't know it was...=P)
A simple look up on babyname websites revealed that the name Renzo is of Italian and Japanese Origins. It is the short form for a city in southern ancient rome and in Japanese, it means "Third Link", which is pretty fitting, considering Feli and myself are the first two links..=P
So Renzo Chan it is... up next, a pretty chinese to match... feli, kao ni le~!
1 thoughts on this article:
haha my dear hubby, I am sure I love the name Renzo, not because it is a LV bag's name, but because it is of Italian origin...
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