Both Feli and I have agreed that Renzo will be on total breastfeeding and thus when we first saw him, Feli began feeding session number 1. It is fun to see the little one latch on and suckle and what a sense of accomplishment when we see him burping from after a meal. ^_^ . Unfortunately, this little one usually sleeps during feeding sessions (might be due to low milk production as we read online), so we didn't really have much of a chance to play with him. Almost immediately after feeding, he sleeps. And he wakes up signalling his hunger to us by whimpering soft cries. Apart from this two routines, he doesn't really have much of a sleeping pattern as far as these 2-3 days are concerned.
On our third and last day of our stay at TMC, we got his birth registration settled at the counter at TMC and also have his CDA account setup (wheee.. baby bonus~!). And at around 12:30, we took a cab home with Feli's mum and sis who came to help. When we returned to our humble little home, we quickly placed him into his little cot and quickly unpacked the stuff we brought back from TMC.

Renzo being a very light sleeper, twitches at the slightest noise, e.g a passing motorbike at the carpark 7 storeys below, the flushing of the toilet from our neighbours above, etc... so we have to be very tip-toeish around him. I even switched my chair that I see on in front of the computer from the creaky folding one from Ikea to a dull grey plastic stool that you can find at your local kopi thiam.
We are starting to track and monitor his daily activities, such as when and how long does he feed, sleep and bath and also his temperature and diaper change times. Lets hope we can gather more data and hopefully understand his routine better in the near future.
2 thoughts on this article:
this is what i did too!
i had 3 excelsheets: diaper tracker, breastfeeding tracker and sleep tracker, for 24hrs through,provided i put the knowledge i read online, i keep track and study his patterns and managed to feel out a way.it is very useful.
just that his crying, during the christmas holidays we went back to france for 2 and a half weeks and he was so hugged by many of the relatives that now im having hard time stopping him from crying the moment i put him to bed, he just want to be hugged. how to get this off? be harsh on him?
6 jan 2011
Hey LY thanks for visiting our blog. Yup the spreadsheet is super useful, we stopped keeping track of the details when Renzo was around 9-10 months old.
As for the fact that your baby was being hugged by too many people, I think we used to have the same concerns, even till now Renzo is almost 17 months old but still cries occasionally when we put him in bed during nap time. I don't really know what is the right thing to do in fact, but only my 2 cents worth here:
- cultivate good sleeping habit and train our babies to sleep on their own, only put him in bed during his nap time or at night. If somehow you need to put him in bed during daytime and he starts crying, maybe try to distract your baby with toys like cot mobile and stuff, sing to him and even can do big flash cards with him. Engage him with more activities to divert his attention might help.
- If he just wants to be hugged, then embrace him tightly in your arms, it's the best way to show your love and care. I mean seriously we only have a good one year or so to enjoy such moment. Nowadays after Renzo started to walk on his own, sometimes he just refuses to be carried or even to hold hand with us. I never believe we can spoil a baby just by hugging him too much. It is just a stage and they will grow out of it. But some mummies rather be more harsh, and they benefit from the result because their infants might be more independent and easier to look after that way. To me if hugging him more only makes us a little more tired, that's not a concern at all. Now I only get to hug my boy tightly after he is asleep. To think that many years down the road he's a big boy already and might rather be hugged only by his gf, i rather hug him more right now, LOL..
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