This morning, when I woke up and checked our "notice board" on the fridge (we have a habit to put up all the notification from school with fridge magnets, so we won't miss out any important deadline), I suddenly recalled that besides bringing a mooncake to school for Mid Autumn festival celebration, kids are supposed to make a lantern with recycled materials, and the deadline for submission is, today! September 08!!!
I remember last week when we first received this piece of notice in Renzo's comm book, we briefly talked about what to do with it and since he was having an earlier deadline for "teacher's day heart decoration" before this, we decided to leave the lantern till the weekend. Being the least creative one in the house, I suggested using red packet as I've seen many before so I was very sure it's easy to make.
It's already 6:15am and I usually wake up the family by 6:20am to prepare the kids for school. So i quickly did a search on the internet and found some pretty good tips there.When I asked daddy what are we supposed to do, my half awake husband gave me that same one million dollar answer as usual:"no choice, just submit it tomorrow lor..."
No way!!! That's what i told myself because last week when we received the teacher's day heart for decoration on Wednesday night, the deadline was Friday and when I went to fetch Renzo on Thursday night, half of the wall at the school entrance has already been filled up with beautifully decorated hearts.

So tell me, how can let him wait until tomorrow??!!
By the way, Renzo was late for his submission once before, and being late is never O.K. to me. I was never late for submission at school or at work, not even once, and I attribute that to the great habit my parents cultivated in me since young. And I always believe in leading by example, though this is Renzo's homework, he's still not at the age to do it independently so I feel that I am partially responsible for his lateness (almost late, not yet) too.

Renzo was excited to see the "red packet lantern" that he could bring to school! I was in great mood that my son is not going to be upset seeing others running around with their lanterns in school, and most importantly, I promised myself to work harder in teaching Renzo to be more responsible in submitting his own homework on time, and I thought it's a pretty good start at least. So I decided to make Renzo even more excited by allowing him to wear his own clothes (of course the nice piece he chose himself) to school for his celebration, Happy Mid Autumn my little darling!!
2 thoughts on this article:
That's teaching kids about responsibilities and I'm sure that Renzo has learnt that from you :)
Thank you Susan, hopefully, hahaha...
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