I always say my Renzo is super funny and he admits that also, he has this good sense of humor from young, and I've blogged about that a few times here, and here.. On a side note, he thinks Rynus Di Di is "a bit funny" only, apparently he believes he is the funniest!
His speech and drama teacher in school was shocked to find out the quiet looking boy who's been sitting at one corner for 6 weeks during his class, is indeed just as dramatic as him, one minute hearty laughs, next second teary eyes...
But my sister said if she needs to describe Renzo in one word, that word must be... LOGICAL!!

Renzo: "I don't like Daddy because, when I am naughty, Daddy will beat me, and When I am not naughty, Daddy will not beat me!"
(of course! beat you for what when you are behaving well??!!)
Renzo: "Mummy, Daddy cannot hug me to sleep, because, boys can not like boys, boys can only like girls!!"
(*grin*, my secret plan of getting him start up his family early seems much more achievable now!!)
Renzo: "Mummy, why areoplane can fly? Is it because it has wings?"
(great guess kid, luckily Daddy is very knowledgeable in this area and he can definitely throw you a lot of technical mumbo jumbos at any time, ready when you are!)

(moonblock?? makes sense though since it's late at night and he can only see the moon instead of the sun!)
Renzo: "Daddy, I don't want to eat because I am not hungry. You know? Because my tummy is not making that noise..."
(right, wait till you hear your tummy growling, that's probably extreme hunger my boy!)
Renzo: "Wait Daddy, you cannot go huh, because, why no seat belt huh??"
(Oops, Daddy forgot to fasten Renzo's seat belt after putting him into baby car seat..)
Renzo: "When I was one year old like Rynus, I can't walk, I crawl only.. And I can not run also you know, because, I cannot walk!"
(so true right? How to run without being able to walk??!!)
Renzo: "Mummy I am not so sleepy because I never yawn, okay I am going to yawn a bit later.."
(YAWN!.. he just sighed and fell asleep in minutes, all as planned...)
Renzo: "Mummy, if you don't dig my nose, can die one?"
(suffocate to death from thick mucus? very sad my dirty boy...)

Renzo: "The green bean soup is very hot, some people will stir it, I stir it one time and it's still so hot!"
(yup yup you got it right, keep stirring boy!!)
Renzo: "Wait mummy, I cannot talk, swallow first!!"
(okie my bad.. shouldn't talk to him when he's eating.. 食不言寝不语)
Renzo: "I don't like army, I don't want to go to army, because it's not fun, people inside huh, can shoot!"
(no choice my boy, protect your country and be proud!)
Renzo: "Daddy, why your car runs faster than the moon? It's because you car don't know how to wait for the moon!!! 哈.哈.哈"
(err... what?!!)
The list just goes on and on... Kids at this age usually ask tons of questions everyday, so does Renzo. Many parents "complain" about the never ending questions from their kids but I simply enjoy talking to this little boy, because he just have so many logical ideas to share and most of the time, we end up laughing non-stop together!
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