*Note: Sorry about the late post... Just came back from reservist and having writer's block... lol
It was April Fool's Day when we were scheduled for a full scan for Baby Chan. On the full scan day, things are slightly different. After checking in, we had to make our way to another part of the building for the full scan. So out the exit of the usual Tow Yung Clinic we went and just ahead and left... into another unit, owned by Tow Yung too.
We were greeted by a nurse who usherd us into the room where she nested Feli into the seat while I hovered around the room, scruntinzing the different instruments that were lying on the doctor's desk. Before long, Dr Lim. appeared... but not the usual one who examined Baby Chan, this was Dr Lim Lean Soon (mmehhh... do all doctors go by the same family name?). Dr Lim Lean Soon looked a decade younger than our usual Dr Lim Teck Chye, but spoke in the same gentle tone. So he started the scan with the usual generous supply of gel on Feli's belly and carefully placed the scanner on her and magically, Baby Chan was on the monitor. haha... the active little baby is kicking around in Feli's womb, Dr Lim asked if Feli could feel it and when she said no she couldn't, Dr Lim simply laughed and murmured that probably those kicking were still too small and gentle.
The full scan took quite a while... about half and hour or so. During which he projected Baby Chan on the monitor in every angle conceivable. Fortunately, Baby Chan was cooperative enough to make the scan as fast as possible by moving into the correct positions for Dr Lim to take a quick camera shot and slowly explain each snapshot to us. "This is the left ventricle of the heart, this is the aoeta... " reminds me of my biology class back in secondary school... so much so that I started mumbling the terms to myself, and a curious Dr Lim paused midway through just to ask me what profession I was in... heh... I sure wish I was a doctor...=P... well, at least the pay is good I presume...

So snapshot after snapshot, biological terms after biological terms, we were going through a mundane process of listening to his macro-like explanations, until suddenly, Dr Lim, zoomed in on one particular snapshot and congratulated us. Puzzled, we took a longer stare at the image and then realised... Baby Chan is MR. Baby Chan ~!... wheeeee~...took us quite a while to realised it was his privates that we were looking at. Okay... at least now we know the baby's gender, something that everyone have been asking but we were answerless due to his shyness all this while...=P
The next image that mesmerised us was that of Baby Chan's beautiful spine. The long line of proportionally shaped bone cartilages, evenly spaced out and arched so prettily that I believe that no man can ever piece out such an art. As the knowledge that all this 'architecture' was happening in Feli's womb just makes me think that she is simply the most amazing.
At the end of the scan. Dr Lim sat down with his nurse and wrote down a whole bunch of notes in the classic doctor's handwriting and then passed us a CD with the recordings of the entire scanning process (!!... apparantly they are the only ones who provide such a service)
And the report came back to us... well... was too wordy for me to wanna read through in details. Only need to look at the "Comments" part to see the interesting stuff...=P
Oh.. and after the full scan, we did go back to Dr Lim Teck Chye to schedule the next appointment and also to answer more of Feli's questions.
Q1) It is safe to paint the house during pregnancy?
A1) Yesh it is~
Q2) Can Feli go to Manicure and Pedicure and Perm/Rebond her hair?
A2.1) Dr Lim: "Yes she can..."
A2.2) Daddy Chan: *checks bank account*..."Yes she can..."
*Note: The above Q&A is just comments from our memories. Please consult your personal Gynae for advices... (excluding the financial advices..=P )
2 thoughts on this article:
Gosh I asked Dr Lim about Mani/Pedi and Perm/Rebond stuff again? I must be out of my mind sia.. No worries dear, I will leave that till my confinement is over...
I remember that I asked Dr Lim about whether he will be travelling during the month of Aug, because right before my sister's due date last time, he was in Japan enjoying his holiday.. haha, luckily no travelling plan for him in Aug at all.. phew...
Hmmm... Looks like i might have mixed up when and what you asked.. LOL...
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