Felicia did a bit of market research earlier this week, and man... When she told me about the nitty gritty details, I was exposed to a whole new universe of terminologies and jargons. There was just so many things to buy and so many market brands, each seemingly better than the other.. CHOICES, Choices, choices...
Lets just take a baby thermometer for example... A Cadi Advanced Sensing Thermometer that conveniently takes ear and forehead temperatures and doubles as a Clock with room temperature reading at $90+ versus a standard baby thermometer that can be purchased off the net at a fractional $40. Both boosts the same "Extremely Accurate" and "Easy and Convenient to Use" features... oookay... So I guess the difference of $50 is in the table clock functionality then...=P... And then there are these milk bottle sterilizer kits. One with 8 hour indicated in bright green on the box, and the other with 24 hours, and according to the sales staff at Kiddy Palace, the difference is that the 24 hours sterilizer is one that you can simply place all the milk bottles in it to keep them sterilized round the clock, ready for use at anytime... while the other... well... just can't support 24 hour sterilization ( but when no reference to what the 8 hours means... -__-' )...

Hmm... Lets take a look at the items that considered to be Renzo's possession... A Capella stroller courtesy of my Bro and Da Sao... multiple sets of tops and matching bottoms from Feli's sis... More tops and bottoms from Feli's colleague... a bottle and babyfood warmer from another colleague of Feli's... and lastly, a useful $$ ang bao from my Manager (steady lah Lao Da~)...
Mehhh... No contribution from Win and/or Feli...At least not material contributions..=P
Looks like its time for Renzo's parents to start shopping for stuff for him... Lets start from Ikea~
2 thoughts on this article:
Thanks so much my dear, heard from mother that you and kor kor might be coming back for a holiday in Aug, hopefully by then you can meet your lil nephew, haha..
Wow you are reading baby blogs also?? Haha it is never too early to get prepared, hope to hear the good news from you both soon ^_^.. btw thanks for sharing the links, I have more stuff to read on now.. happy~
ahah.. I follow quite a number of blogs.. and the 3 that i gave you happens to be friends & relative of mine.. so, it was a good way to keep in touch with whats going on back home too!
yeah.. we MIGHT be only la.. not firm yet. BUT we would def will want to be back to see our lil baby nephew! :)
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