This morning I suddenly realized that I did not take any picture all these while, therefore I asked my colleague Margaret to take 2 pictures of my big tummy before I get too clumsy and tired for camera shots.. Same as many other pregnant women, I have swollen face, limbs, ankles, feet and even fingers.. "Pregnancy has turned me into a monster!!" haha.. that's what every pregnant women says I think.. It is true that I look more and more like a puffer fish now, but feeling Renzo moving around in me just make me believe that it's all worth it!!
Next time I should get a picture of me in maternity wear, since it will make my tummy look a lot bigger, really a lot a lot.. Haha..
Front & Side Views (where's my waist??)
Hmm now it's time to pen down the "Must Haves" during my pregnancy:
2 Litres of water in office - To make sure I am not dehydrated, and it helps to reduce water retention also. A lot of people deem that too much water will cause water retention but it is totally wrong. When your body does not have enough water, it will try to stock up more water in areas like your ankles, feet, etc..
Lots of fruits - Wilson and Lucretia bought me a full huge basket of fruits during their last home visit, and Win thought it could last me 2 weeks but I finished all in less than 5 days.. Fruit is my only crave so far, and I could eat 8-10 servings everyday but still feeling not enough.. Now I am trying to cut down to 2 servings because frankly speaking, I am scared of gestational diabetes due to high blood glucose level..
My makeup box - I can look amazingly ugly without makeup although I do not look any better with makup either, sounds so contradicting.. Today my best friend Yong asked me what I want from taiwan, haha since he's stationing there for quite long, maybe it is time to take a look at my makeup box and see what's needed, haha..
Hydrating masks - guess that is the key item which keeps me free from skin breakouts during pregnancy..
Leggings - very comfy to wear and easy to match, for those who do not want to burn a big hole on your pocket for maternity wears, this is the best alternative because you can just wear it with any long top till full term.. Of course you must pick those very stretchable ones around waist area..
Sleep, sleep, sleep - 8 hours of sleep a day is the minimum but I am sure 24 hours a day is never a problem for me..
Fitmama DVD - A prenatal/postnatal workout DVD I bought from I started doing it around my 6th months(skipped all my prenatal yoga classes at True Yoga before this since I want to spend more time with Win during weekends, although I used to be super determined and can go for 2-4 yoga classes a week before my pregnancy).. If you also hate exercise under hot sun, then try this DVD.. It's a combination of Salsa dance, Yoga and body stretching which is suitable for preggy women at any stage..
Pregnancy magazines/forums - Keep myself well prepared as a first time mother.. And best option for me to pass time at work (oops, keep my fingers crossed that my boss doesn’t read this..)
Renzo's kicks - haha the feeling is so shiok and I get super nervous if he doesn’t kick me for one day..
Win's hugs - that's how I can have a good sleep every night.. ^_^
Nah, not to forget those "Must Not Haves":
Milk - I never like the taste of milk so in the past I seldom drink it, only after I got preggy and start to drink more milk, I found out that I am "lactose intolerance", basically my body cannot absorb milk and it even causes diarrhea.. Haha I am just thinking if I ever have any constipation problem, then milk can be really useful maybe?? Haha..
2nd or even 3rd hand smoke - Smokers, dust bins, please, stay far far away from me!!!
Missed calls from unknown numbers - I hate to speculate who the caller is, especially while I am waiting for test results from the clinic..
Mango - I am allergic to mango, so, I cannot let Renzo take the risk..
Slippery floor- I cannot afford to have a heavy fall right now, and please do not call me while I am walking, that's how I fell down and sprained my ankle the previous time.. haha..
Tight clothing - I never suffer from morning sickness, but if I wear a bit too tight (sometimes without me noticing it myself), I will start vomitting, maybe that's Renzo who feels uncomfortable..
Night outings - Still joined a few during 1st and 2nd trimester, but strictly no night outings for 3rd trimester, I cannot stand myself walking like a clumsy duck because my tummy just gets much heavier and bigger at night..
Grand sale at my favorite shops - "humpty dumpty" doesn’t look nice in any kind of color or design, I dare not to see myself in the fitting room no matter whether it is a 70% off or a buy-1-get-1-free deal.. And pretty shoes are just not for me even if I am willing to get a "2 size bigger" pair, as most of the nice ones are at least 3 inches high...
Haha while I am typing out the above, I suddenly have this strong feeling that tonight, AGAIN, I am going to dream of myself in curly long hair with high heels and short skirt.. hahaha..
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