This visit was no different from the previous one, it being a 1 hour bus journey, a 30 minute wait... all for a 5 minute consultation. But in cases like these, no news is good news... And Dr Lim gave another assuring "The baby looks fine and I'm happy with what I see", after doing a routinal scan. I did ask if there was any change to the expected due date, and was told "There is only a 5% chance that the baby will be born on the expected due date, 85% about 1-2 weeks before that, and 10% about 1 week after"... Mehhhhh... there goes my hopes of sharing my birthdate with Renzo... although there IS still a slight chance that he may share it with Singapore (albeit prematurely though...).
Interestingly, week 28 - 36, the visits will become more regular, meaning we'll be heading down here every other week. So after we scheduled our next appointment with the staff, we made half of the payment for Feil's prenatal checkup package, and registered for the Thomson Hospital (we are opting for a Single Bedder so that I can be there with Feli all the time and Renzo can be with us too ~!... supposely for two bedder rooms, babies are brought to the parents at certain permitted times only). Out the clinic we went and off to some DeliFrance buffet breakfast (which Feli have been speaking off for almost a week now). And for the second time, we do not have any scans to upload... Maybe scans are only for before the full scan? *scratch head*
Anyway, we have been doing some Renzo shopping lately, bought some simple things like overalls, baby detergent (supposedly liquid detergent *may* cause skin irritation for infants) and a little clothes stand with little clothes hangers just for him~
Feli did a bit of washing and LOL... when I see those little clothes hanging out there drying in the Sun, that pleasant, warm, fuzzy feeling just overwhelms me... ^_^
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