It was 17th Jan 2009 and my first visit to the Gynae (wow.. it has been 3 months now already), naturally I was curious just how the experience was like. Thankfully from my place, I could take an express bus to Orchard and take a leisurely stroll down to Tanglin Shopping Centre.
The place was not too bad, comfy with lotsa seats strewn against every wall in sight, except for one which houses a fish tank full of parrot fish (I swear they smile at you when looking straight at you in the face... lol).
It wasn't Feli's first visit. So she knows the rules. Placing her appointment booklet in a little slot just at the counter, she proceeded with her weight checkups and some other checkups (which I have no idea cos it happens in another room). But with that done, she came around and sat be me as I browse through the daily papers and the outdated magazines.
So came our turn to met the doc. The nurse ushered us into the room and assisted Feli onto a seat in preparation for her scan. As the process was done behind curtains, I was free to survey the Dr Lim's room. There was this eeriely realistic model of a foetus encased in a glass block that served as a giant paperweight on his shelf, but the pleasantries of baby photos everywhere else eased things. What drew my attention most was a pin board where there were plentiful photos and thank you cards, all in the name of Dr Lim from his previous patients. Some boys, some girls, some asians, some not... but one common experience that all these beautiful children have was that the very first contact that their delicate skin had was with the hands of this wonderful man...
Before long, Dr Lim came rolling in on his armchair from the other room, made some courtesy small talks and then began doing the scan. Well Baby Chan is fine and well, except for the slightly oversized yolk sac (as mentioned by Feli in the previous post).
From head to toe (figuratively) Baby Chan is 2.5cm in length. Take this length and add the magic constant of 6.5 and voila~, the estimated age of Baby Chan is 9 weeks. And with a simple circulation charting tools in one hand and his scribbled maths in the other, Dr Lim predicted that Baby Chan will be due on 22nd August 2009... and guess what... that's MY birthday as well~!
So the checking was done and Feli began asking her questions that kinda bothered her for a while now.
Q1) Can she go for the planned Australia trip, considering we will be boarding a plane? (as posted in Feli's previous post)
A1) As long as she is comfortable.
Q2) Is there anything wrong with her crave for fruit and yakult?
A2) There is no such thing as too much fruits and yakult is perfectly fine.
Q3) What are the foods that she should be avoiding?
A3) Scientifically, almost all foods are okay, but personally suggests that preggy woman stay away from smoked salmon and soft cheese.
Q4) Can she go for manicure/pedicure and hair saloons? (mmehhh... women...=P)
A4) There has been no cases where baby's skin relates to the colour of mummy's latest nail colour. So green light approval given.
*Note: The above Q&A is just comments from our memories. Please consult your personal Gynae for advices.
2 thoughts on this article:
Wow my dearest hubby, you still remember the exact questions I asked in correct sequence somemore!!! That really surprises me sia!!
Yup and I got permission from Dr Lim to eat Laksa, haha.. But so far I've been eating plenty of fruits, drinking yakult everyday. As for laksa, I had twice in the past 5 months and no more craving for that already. haha..
Though this late post came pretty late.. I really hands down to you leh.. Manicure and pedicure... hahaha
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