It has been quite an adventure for me till date... and many things have changed... Listed below are some of the things that became quite different thus far...
You know you're gonna be a Daddy when...

1) You looks at your wife's belly and ask, "What do you feel like having for dinner dear?"
2) You slice a pie into three portions instead of the usual two
3) You start doing more household chores than you thought you ever would
4) You go to the supermarket and suddenly don't feel out of place when looking at diaper brands and prices
5) You chat with your friend's parents and instead of asking how's school/work life, they tell you about how they brought up their kids
6) (con't from above) Then you look at your friend, shakes your head with his parents and make mental notes of a negative example

7) You walk into Ikea and for the first time in your 5278991720 visits, you actually spend the most time in the children's section instead of the living room/kitchen/bedroom/bathroom sections.
8) You watch Hong Kong drama series on TV and when you see the lead actress supposedly preggie for 4 months, you immediately chorous with your wife, "Not realistic, her tummy is too big."
9) Your currency is in baby items...
e.g. When a friend sees a $2000 price tag on an LV bag,
she thinks . o O (That is half my salary... wtf...)...
You think . o O (That is x months of diapers.. nono.. x months of milk powder... FTW?)
10) You start writing blog posts on 'You know you're gonna be a daddy when..." -__-'
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