The hospital bag is ready now, it is not too early anyway because we never know when our little Renzo will decide to make a “surprise” entrance!!
Just a reference for other first time mothers...
For Admission Purpose:
1. Identity card of myself and Win
2. Hospital admission letter(the nurse at Tow Yung Clinic asked if I would like to take it during my week 34 checkup, or she can pass it to me on this coming Sat, and I chose to let her keep for me first as I was afraid that I might misplace it, it is a small yellow color envelop from Thomson Medical Center..)
3. Marriage Certificate (for little Renzo's birth registration, it can be done at hospital or ICA. But come on, who wants to travel all the way down and queue up at ICA if this can be done at the hospital with an administrative charge of around $10)
4. Bank statement (haha We do not have a bank book nowadays. This is for submission of baby bonus form, and opening of CDA account. Yeah Renzo will get his first 1k bonus within 3 weeks after the form is received and processed. For his CDA account, we plan to deposit 1k for him on a yearly basis, and get the matching contribution from Government till he turns 7, rather than put 6k into that account in one shot.. Thanks to our government for the enhanced baby bonus scheme..)
5. Letter from gynae (err, I do not have this and knowing Dr Lim a little bit by now, I do not think I should ask him about it, he will issue me the letter if he deems that's necessary)
6. Written birth plan (again, Dr Lim does not seem to be interested in that, I am sure he has his own plan in mind for me, all I know is that I am praying for a smooth natural delivery without epidural, and I want to do total breastfeeding for Renzo..)
For Mummy Chan:
1. Nursing night gown(TMC does not provide this, they only have operation gown)
2. Warm socks (labor room is pretty cold I heard)
3. One pack of maternity pads (TMC provides one pack and if you need more, they will charge you)
4. Disposable underwear (hehe no point packing in my finest lace underwear as labor and delivery is messy process)
5. A pair of slippers
6. Nursing bra and breast pads
7. Skincare products & personal toiletries
8. A plastic bag (for soiled clothing)
9. Boppy pillow (to ease episiotomy wound pain)
10.MP3 player (don't think I will have time for it, but Win also can use it since he will be staying overnight)
11.Camera (Win is allowed to take pictures and videos of Renzo only, but not me during labor.. Haha..)
For Little Renzo:
1. Newborn clothing for going home, with a pair of mittens (think TMC provides this, but just in case)
2. One receiving blanket(I am sure TMC has this, but still packed one set as it is pretty light anyway)
3. Extra diapers (just in case hospital does not provide enough of them)
Lastly, here's the "Human Pufferfish" at 36th week, haha...

The next time I upload the photo of my big belly, most probably I will be at labor room in my operation gown... *scared*
One side note: My office will have 6 newborns(2 from our ex-staffs though) in Year 2009, and all of them are BOYS (amazing isn't it??).. So you know that apparently our goverment is doing a fantastic job in promoting this new baby bonus scheme...
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