Some of my personal experiences to share:
1. Mummies expecting baby girls have rounded belly whereas mummies with baby boys have sharp belly.
== Quite true, one day I was trying to get out of bed and I saw my belly so sharp that I really screamed out..
2. First pregnancy does not "show" early.
== Yes my belly started to really "show" from 5 months+ I think. Heard it is normal to start showing from even 7 months for first pregnancy, but for the second it might start showing from 2 months onwards.
3. Pregnant women have very bad memory.
== Absolutely true!!! I left my pouch at friends' place a few times, this had never ever happened in the past (tsk.. strange that I've never forgotten my LV bag so far, maybe it's time to get an LV pouch??). And Win must have a lot more funny stories to tell on this..
4. Mummies expecting baby boys have ugly big nose, pigmentation and serious pimple breakout
== Yes and no. My nose gets a lot bigger, look at my photos.. =(.. My freckles darkened a bit and think that is really due to hormonal change. But I did not have any pimples at all. I guess good daily skincare regime does help.
5. Pregnant women cannot sleep well especially during last trimester (having problem with breathing and positioning when baby gets bigger and bigger).
== Not at all!! Being a piggy, "out of breath problem" experienced by most pregnant women only caused me to snore (Sorry Win if that causes you insomnia, *blush*). I am still holding the record of getting back to sleep within 3 seconds despite frequent urination.
6. Pregnant women experience frequent calf cramps so hubby should help with massaging the legs.
== No I did not experience that and Win has never massaged my legs. I believe what actually helps, is to stretch your calves frequently during the day.
7. Pregnant women get very emotional and bad-tempered.
== I believe that really depends on individual. For me I am always a very rational and optimistic person, so I think Win didn't really suffer so far(correct me if I am wrong Win, haha..)
8. Pregnant women have serious constipation problem.
== No I think if you do not have this problem before pregnancy, most likely you won't face it during pregnancy. Just keep your healthy diet routine as usual. For those who suffer from constipation, try Marigold Yogurt Drink (the one with vegetables), I have to go toilet one more time after I drink that, really healthy stuff with lots of fibers..
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