I turned down a Mahjong session with my mahjong kakis and went home after a tiresome afternoon of work. So I met up with Feli on my way back with my colleague/friend-of-more-than-10-years... Jun Jun is one of the closest friend of Feli's (read.. friend of mine, best friend of Feli... my friends are abandoning me... LoL)... We were happily chatting on the MRT train ride home when suddenly, Renzo perked up and gave a signature Renzo KICK ! Jun Jun had the privilege to be amongst one of the first few to have actually felt a Renzo Kick, and the first friend to have experienced it (others being Feli (duh~ -__-'), me (woot !), and Feli's sis Kelly)... And the reaction from her was priceless, her first interaction with our little Renzo ! ^_^... Too bad we arrived at her station and she had to alight, thus ending the session.

Like the recent visits, Dr Lim Teck Chye gave a thumbs up after doing the ultrasound scan. The recent ultrasound are a quick scan to see the baby's head (with a simple diameter measurement), one at the spine/torso (complete with an audio heartbeat projection) and also a glimpse of his legs. When Dr Lim measured Renzo's head, he exclaimed, "Wah, 9.1cm... Head is big, like mummy's" . LOL... It was also Feli's first question during the Q&A session after Dr Lim settled down into his chair. It was quite comical, really. The conversation went like this:
Feli: "Oh yah Dr Lim, you mentioned his head was big..."
Dr Lim: "(interrupts) Your head~... like your head... not like Daddy's head, a bit more narrow"
Feli: "Will it affect the delivery?"
Dr Lim: "Well, let's put it this way. There are only 2 exits, either downstairs or upstairs. Either way it is very safe."
Feli: "yup but I was praying for downstairs mah.."
Dr Lim: "Then you pray hard and God will hear that.. Nowadays both ways are very safe, not like last time, upstairs exit can be quite risky. And your baby's head is already big, how to make it smaller? You can't tell baby to stop growing or stop eating or anything like that right?"
Feli: "yup but I was praying for downstairs mah.."
Dr Lim: "Then you pray hard and God will hear that.. Nowadays both ways are very safe, not like last time, upstairs exit can be quite risky. And your baby's head is already big, how to make it smaller? You can't tell baby to stop growing or stop eating or anything like that right?"
Ooookay... haha... Doc's got a point there... And Feli did her research and estimated that Renzo's head shouldn't be bigger than 9.24cm at week 34... So all seems well (true that Renzo's head is quite big indeed)... ^_^... Things are getting more and more exciting, because after our next visit to the Tow Yung Clinic on the 25/07, it will be a weekly visit instead of semimonthly and we can start expecting Renzo live-in-person anytime from then on... WOOT ~!
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