Our 08:30 appointments usually have us waking up early and taking the 07:14 bus... and like so many times before, we ended up reaching there before all of their staffs. How'd we know? Well... I sat at a bench just in front of the lift of the 5 storey Tanglin Shopping Centre while Feli went to the ladies. And during my wait, each time the lift doors opened, a familiar Tow Yung Staff emerged. A few whom recognised me waved in friendly fashion, while those who don't (or didn't noticed me) just simply rushed in the direction of the clinic. Anyway, that aside, the morning procedures are no different from our previous visits. Again, we were the first vistors for the day and first to see Dr Lim when he arrived (many many many minutes later).
OMG... Dr Lim actually noticed that Feli is wearing this dress to his clinic for the first time and this is actually the second time he noticed Feli in a new dress. "I notice what you wear more than I notice your husband," Dr Lim replied to our amazed expressions. I know Doctors are supposed to be observant but this?... mehhh... perhaps that's why i'm not a doc i guess..=P
Time for the ultrasound scan... Renzo's head is 9.7cm already, heartbeat is strong and steady and Dr Lim drew our attention to the placenta and the white particles lined along and around it. "Calcium deposits on the placenta means the baby is maturing," said Dr Lim with a smile on his face (further research on the web suggests that Placenta Calcification happens towards the end of pregnancy, when the placenta ages).
Dr Lim then had to do an internal check on Feli with a nurse while I sat partitioned away by the drawn cloth. This is not a compulsory test done by all gynaes but seems that Dr Lim has to do it for all his patients around 36-37 week. Feli hates it as it is not just uncomfortable, but indeed very PAINFUL this time. The pain lasted for more than an hour. But Feli is right, if she can't take such a pain, how to endure actual labour pain which might last for 10-12 hours or even longer. The check was supposedly to see if Feli's pelvis is of the right size to give birth to Renzo naturally. And great! It is positive, despite Renzo's 9.7cm head... LoL... Dr Lim did advise Feli that she may experience bleeding after and that she should not be too shocked (thankfully Feli didn't though...=P ).
The Q&A session with Dr Lim was again a funny one. We had 3 questions on our minds this time.
1) Feli was feeling menstrual cramps recently but Dr Lim says that it is only normal and told us not to worry too much.(Renzo's head has not engaged yet so maybe while he's trying to move downwards, it causes the pain..)
2) From our previous visit, Dr Lim suggested that Renzo should move at least 10 times a day... Fact is, Renzo have been moving way way way way more... Dr Lim answered with a big smile on his face, "The more he moves, the happier I am." haha... that's a relief...=P
3) Because we are planning on a japanese buffet at Ritz Carlton(again..=P), we just had to doubly confirm that Feli could eat Sashimi...
Feli: "So Dr Lim, just to confirm again, can I eat sashimi?"
Dr Lim: (unhesitantly) "DEFINITELY~!"
haha... He then went on to explain that the doctors had a series of discussions before and some USA guy once came down to Singapore and graded Singaporean sashimi as second only to Japanese sashimi in terms of quality and freshness (WooT~!)
The last question we had was actually a question from Feli's sister... on the ways and methods to improve the chances of having a baby boy.. and to my amazement, Dr Lim immediately reached up to the top shelf of his bookcase and draw out a slip of papers and said to pass it to Feli's sis. LoL... apparantly, different sexual position actually DOES make a difference... o_O?
*note: please dun start emailing me or commenting on this post for this, i'm not telling..=P

This time we collected the hospital admission letter and when we left the building, it was raining already. And me being someone who really really hates rain, decided to simply take a cab back home. We returned home early... before 10. So we slept through the afternoon, and woke up past midday to test out the Sterilizer and Breastpump. And boy am I glad that products nowadays are designed so well that in fact, the instructional manual is not really needed. Assembly and disassembly just seem to come naturally. Already we feel the excitement as we hold the empty milk bottles in our hands... ^_^ ... just one more month..WHEE~!
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